- Tell me, please, and where I go from here?

- where you want to go.

("Alice in Wonderland")

What is identity crisis?

a Mental state in which "it is impossible to implement internal necessity of life – motives, values, associated with impaired emotional, mental, and emotional balance. There are processes and situations, intractable subject-practical and cognitive activity; therefore, they are solved by experience, which refers to special activities of the remaking of oneself in the world and the world to himself in critical life situations" (F. E. Vasilyuk). The crisis is a sense of inconsistency of his condition changing demands of the external environment. Available personal resources do not allow the person to implement significant, fundamental to his objectives, interests and needs.

the Person perceives the situation as problematic, but to cope with the problem known, the usual methods cannot, and therefore arises the necessity of development of new roles, develop new meanings, setting new goals, which he has a rather vague idea. br>

So the crisis is the way of our development, and the price that we pay for the development.

the Origins of personal crises age dynamics investigated by many authors. For example, E. Erikson identified 8 stages of psychosocial personality development.

At the stage that E. Erickson called "average maturity" happens to be what is commonly called "midlife crisis". It is time to summarize first results achieved in life. Re-evaluated and revised life achievements and prospects. Often they seem small and insignificant, the hope failed, and dreams unfulfilled.Comes the anxiety, the feeling that do not live their lives, fulfill other people's desires and strive for other goals. Outwardly everything is fine, and the happiness and completeness of life. You begin to wonder: what goal of yours? Do you need what you do? Why and where to seek?

the Emergence of such doubts means that the person has entered "the space" of the crisis, and his previous experience is not suitable for solving the problems of the second half of life.

added To this is a sense of fatigue, no energy, "do not want". By the way, the appearance of energy will be the sign that the search for new meanings and new ways to live is in the right direction. But in the beginning of the crisis, far from it.

Destructive ways out of the crisis - many.

for Example, regression - baby behaviours, which in infancy were it possible to overcome problems by shifting responsibility to others.

Denial - perception of reality is distorted in such a way that it kind of disappears, reduced activity, reduced scope of activities. Extreme denial – psychosomatic, neurosis, psychosis.

Displacement - idle state, based on the opinion that in this situation we can do nothing, any action is doomed to failure. A decision in the future.

These paths lead to the weakening or avoidance of psychological discomfort and anxiety without the permission of the crisis, contribute to the avoidance of dangerous situations, but do not solve the existing problem.

Constructive way out of the crisis is the formation of new relationships to the world, new values and meanings, awareness of the problem and rethinking the situation, mastering new behaviors, willingness to accept responsibility for the consequences of their choice.

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