Motherhood. Excellent condition, about which so much has been written of poetry and prose, and even paintings.

Infancy. It touched and happy cheerful toddler in commercials and brochures.

the Few who writes about the dark side of motherhood, especially the initial stage of this path. But many are familiar with the diagnosis of "postpartum depression". What is this condition and how it comes? Who is affected and who is benefiting?

In my experience, postpartum depression never appears out of nowhere on the background of complete well-being. Let's see how it goes.

Behind the delivery. Some have gone quite well, alert and pain already forgotten, in the hands of the long-awaited beloved child. Someone- not so well and the pain from the stitches interfere with sitting, walking and doing daily work... someone has to own malaise is added concern for the health of your baby – the doctors wrote a bunch of diagnoses. "How serious is it? What to do? Who will help?" - tumbling in my head many questions – "Is I have mastitis or lactostasis? Is there enough milk for my child?"

In such as young mothers at home. br>
it should be noted that earlier the family of a young woman after childbirth was never alone. First, there was a large family – there was always someone to rock the cradle with the baby. Secondly, women did not go to work, and the adult women were always at home. Thus arose a situation of social exclusion for young mothers. Yes, and the way of life before and after birth almost unchanged.

Today's life situation of mothers with newborns very different from before. Yes, there are washing machines machines, disposable diapers and affordable health care that really make life easier. But a very important difference is that a mother and her child shortly after birth is left alone. Grandparents often still of working age, they need to go to work, her husband too. And for the young mother begins the "Groundhog day", the day in the routine chores, and every day similar to the previous one: child care – feeding – Laundry – cleaning – cooking – laying to sleep... And so several times a day in a circle. It seems that his own interests were far in the past. And now even going to the toilet and the shower became a problem. And at some point mommy guilt says that the cry of a child begins to irritate that their own strength, it seems that it will never end.
Well, if you have a nearby friend with whom you can talk, share. But if not, the almost inevitable emotional breakdown on the husband in the evening.

it's Great when a husband is enough Mature emotionally and is able to listen, to support, to help his wife. But it often happens that the husband can not stand the heat of emotion, begins in the evenings and weekends to disappear from the house, preferring beer and friends eternally dissatisfied wife. And at this time or a little earlier, then comes the state, which is called "postpartum depression".

by the Way, PD is and men caring for children when the mother for whatever reason had to go to work.

the Characteristic features of postpartum depression:

• a feeling of sadness, despair
• reduced self-esteem
• almost constant anxiety for the health of the child
in guilt
• lack of joy in life
• sleep disorders
• irritability

If for two or more weeks you notice such symptoms in yourself, you can pass a screening test for depression, the text of which is below.

the Edinburgh postnatal depression scale

Please mark each item statement that best suits Your condition over the past weeks, not just today. br>
1. I'm ready to laugh and see the bright side of things
0 in the same way as always
1 somewhat less now than ever
2 is definitely less
3 do not see

2. I look forward with pleasure to the surrounding circumstances.
0 in the same way as always
1 less than usual
2 is definitely smaller than usual
3 unlikely

3. I unnecessarily blame yourself if something goes wrong
3 Yes, in most cases
2 Yes, sometimes
1 no, not often.
0 no, never

4. I was anxious and restless for no apparent reason
0 no, not at all
1 hardly ever
2 Yes, sometimes
3 Yes, very often

5. I feel the fear or panic without a significant reason.
3 Yes, quite a lot
2 Yes, sometimes
1 no, not much
0 no, not at all

6. Circumstances are stronger than me
3 Yes, most of the time I'm not ready to deal with them in General
2 Yes, sometimes I don't cope as well as usual
1 no, most of the time I cope quite well.
0 no, I'm good as always

7. I'm so unhappy that even the bad sleep
3 Yes, most of the time
2 Yes, sometimes
1 no, not very often
0 no, not at all

8. I'm sad or unhappy.
3 Yes, most of the time
2 Yes, quite often
1 no, not often.
0 no, not at all

9. I'm too miserable to even cry.
3 Yes, almost all the time
2 Yes, quite often
1 no, only by chance
0 no, never

10. Thoughts of self-harm arise in me
3 Yes, quite often
2 sometimes
1 hardly
never 0


Items 1, 2 and 4 are calculated in direct values (0, 1, 2, 3).

the Other points are calculated in the reverse values (3, 2, 1, 0).

the Scores for all ten items are summed. br>
Scores of 8-9 and above indicate a high probability of PD (about 86% of cases). br>
Scores above 13 indicate a 100% probability of PD (maximum 30 points).

If You have identified a high likelihood of depression, such specialists as psychologists, psychotherapists, psychiatrists can help You.

how to help yourself, I'll write in the next article. br>
If the article was useful to You, click "thank you".

Gasnikova Olga