
recently, we are increasingly turning to the concept of "psychosomatics" in identifying the causes of various diseases including "diseases" of society. Why we can talk about psychosomatics society?... Why is this topic becoming increasingly relevant?...

Psychosomatics individual we understand. We are familiar with such reasons for the origin of psychosomatic diseases, psychological (e.g., personality traits, unresolved internal conflicts), physiological (e.g., constitutional vulnerability) and social (e.g., adverse environmental impact). Anyway, all these factors have a complex impact. And revealing the essence of each of them, we find a common trigger the development of psychosomatic disorders. This is stress caused by distorted emotional stress, that in itself is a distortion of information resulting from the perception of the world without half-tones, only black and white. That is incorrectly expressed emotion and long-term presence of man and society as a whole in a situation of distorted information in one way or another lead to psychosomatic manifestations.

Man as a biosocial being included in interpersonal relations, social groups, determines the presence of natural instincts, the psychological characteristics and social skills, which essentially is a unique form of existence./1/ Society for man is partly an objective reality, and part of its component./1/ Person, developing in interaction with the environment, assimilates and reproduces social norms, cultural values, and obtains the possibility of self-development and self-realization. This process is called socialization of the person, an important acquisition which is the formation of conceptual thinking, the formation of personality.

Society develops due to human activity and consists of a huge quantity of elements, subsystems and systems which are constantly interacting with each other, and there is a society due to such interaction. All this gives us the opportunity to talk not only about psychosomatics person, but psychosomatics society, and to propose ways to prevent "disease" of society.

it Should be noted that these diseases manifest themselves in different spheres of life and can be psychologically and spiritually painted (aggressiveness, alcoholism, addiction, deviance, gambling, immorality, conflict, alienation, diseases of the cardiovascular system, cancer, neurosis, neurodermatitis, thyroid disease, etc.), politically (political apathy, bureaucracy, ideological, pathological careerism, fascist), painted economically (poverty, unemployment, corruption, fraud and theft, the underground economy, parasitism and others).

a significant role in the prevention of "diseases" of society rests on the modern education system, particularly at the high school, as an institution of socialization. The development of the educational system, in turn, is impossible without understanding of the important role of professional and pedagogical culture of the University teacher within the framework of the human capital reproduction.

Professional-pedagogical culture is a unique capacity of forming our national heritage and represent the integrated characteristic of the personality of the specialist. This and the presence of professional thinking and consciousness, special professional skills, is motivation and dedication, personal position, based on spirituality, love for people, accepting yourself, the ability to make new, based on their development of emotional intelligence to properly Express emotions. Effective development of professional pedagogical culture, updating its uptake and efficient implementation is the main task of the state.

the Level of development of professional pedagogical culture is a reflection of the real picture of community health. Professionally-pedagogical culture of the University teacher is part of the pedagogical culture as a social phenomenon, and we are in touch with her, not only in his professional activities, which further enhances the importance of forming professional pedagogical culture of people who chose the teaching profession.

Forming and developing professional-pedagogical culture of the teacher society at the same time profilaktirujut "disease" of society. And, accordingly, prevention psychosomatic society is the main factor of improvement of professional pedagogical culture of teachers and the education system as a whole.

At the heart of this prevention should be based on the system of health monitoring, adjustable as for individual domestic and public external levels. External system health management is a global challenge States, which should be aimed at comprehensive improvement of society as a value and a key characteristic of humanity. Internal control system health is the responsibility of every individual for the preservation and strengthening of own health and understanding the relationship "my health is the health of society." According to the Constitution of the world health organization, health is understood not only as the absence of directly of disease or infirmity, but as a General well-being, including physical, mental and social component./3/ Thus, the task of maintaining and improving the health of every person individually and society as a whole is a problem that requires a comprehensive approach. Should be formulated and adequate state ideology aimed at preventing psychosomatic society and which is based on deductive-inductive guide. To teach society in the face of every human to control their own health – that is the main task of the state.

Illness – not that other, as a reflection of the quality of our thoughts. Thinking is our attitude, our installations, which we use, interacting with the world, it is an indication of how we want to be healthy.

Just being in a harmonious relationship with oneself and the environment, a person can overcome stress and avoid disease.

it is Known that stress is a normal reaction to short-term traumatic effects, designed to adapt all anatomical and functional systems for overcoming not only physical but also psychological stress. With adequate response to a stimulus, in other words, rightly expressing emotions, we gain a very important skill – the ability to handle stress. Ignoring of this component leads to a somatization of man and society. Emotions have a psychological and biological component. And if a person or society suppresses the psychological component, inhibits or incorrectly expresses emotions, comes functional failure of the autonomic nervous system by strengthening the work of the biological component and as a result, psychosomatics. This understanding should be considered in the formulation of professional standards, programmes aimed at prevention of psychosomatic medicine companies. Only people who have realized their desire to be healthy, happy and harmoniously developed, adopted an important decision in your life is to be honest in all respects, to fully become the bearer of professionally-pedagogical culture and its translator as a University teacher.

Prevention of psychosomatic medicine companies and, accordingly, improvement of professional and pedagogical culture of the University teacher should be aimed at correcting such behavioral patterns like inability to cope with stress, pessimism, total control, substitution of concepts of "love of self" and "esteem", "confidence" and "pathological arrogance", the lack of boundaries in interpersonal relationships, a ban on the expression of emotional experiences, resistance to change and rigid thinking. The main task of prevention is the formation of public opinion aimed at accepting responsibility for their own health, understanding that health is a healthy self – perception, healthy thoughts, healthy relationships that health is the real perception of the world.


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  • Charter (Constitution) of the world health organization

Strekachev Natalia