
  you Must share the pride and pride. Healthy pride is pride in yourself as a person, your skills. Pride – shift the spotlight on their experiences. And believe me it is easier to read than to understand and especially to learn to find in myself.
That is where your attention is focused on the experiences – that's pride. When you personally, it is pride. What's the difference? The freedom attitude. No thoughts in a circle. No endless tears and suffering.
   How does it look? How to understand and separate one from the other? A simple example. Someone you know that has happened. And you talk like this – you know, I was so bad! I cried all night. I broke all the fists trying to dull the pain from the breakup. I am soooooo scared! I am soooooo drunk. And so on in a similar way. the
     this is an increase in the importance of their experiences in the process of events is pride. This belittling of the individual to temporary feelings.

   Experiences come and go, start over. But personality is always there. It is against the background of the individual living the experience. And not on the background of experiences is personality. A person has the ability to feel certain emotions and feelings. Not experience create identity. When the emphasis is on the experience of staying in a situation emotionally, it increases the load on the body. Reduced , in some cases, enough critical assessment of their actions.
When you focus on yourself, you primarily reduce the intensity of emotions. These emotions and experiences compared to you as a person?        They are only a small part of you and your life. This kind of protection from external negative influences. When you are attentive to the experiences, you understand why you how to get out, unable to respond appropriately to protect adequately its borders.

Experience – this long , in this case, emotions are consciously or unconsciously growing you and renew you in over time.
You are trying through these experiences to raise its importance, to know its pride. It's like instead of what would normally have pepper soup, there is peppered. And enjoy not the taste of the soup, and heat in the mouth, heartburn, to overcome this hurt. Change nothing and continue to have this burning product. When attention to yourself, you simply will not eat it after tasting.
an Analogy in life, I think you will easily spend at work and in relationships but in everything. Be proud of yourself you must. Experiences to enjoy – good. Bad thing get to you. With heat.

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