
One of the three components of professional training of the counselor, the therapist (the therapist) is the supervision. In the process of supervision of practical work also is the development, growth of professional skills of physicians.

one can Hardly say that a therapist has reached a level of skill that doesn't need supervision. Supervision is a form of professional community and business networking that are beneficial for the therapist, regardless of its experience. Permanent establishment, development – quality feature of our profession. And how everything is evolving, in process, needs the support and the therapist, experiencing the quite natural difficulties in working with clients, needs the support of other professionals, needs in cooperation with them. So, the first function of supervision is the professional support.

Supervision is a side view of at least two – the supervisor and the supervised – work therapist. Due to the experience of otherness supervisor (supervisors), by the interaction of co-creativity in supervision the process is stop and rethink what is happening in the therapeutic space.

the Procedure of supervision is for a specific customer whose case appears to be for the sake of the therapist, who through supervision becomes more effective in helping other customers as well.

Thus, the second function of the supervision is the education a function that expands the boundaries of professional competence.

Rimantas Cocones in the article "the Process of supervision: an existential view" writes that in the process of completing the supervision the therapist has the opportunity to learn:

· better understand their customers;

· be aware of own feelings in relation to clients and their reactions to them;

· by analyzing what is happening between therapist and client in the therapy process and what is happening between the supervisor and the supervised in the process of supervision to understand the subtle shades of the therapeutic relationship:

· it is better to see the efficiency of the use of his therapeutic intervention, how they are applied in a timely manner, in a suitable place and in an appropriate way, the impact on the therapeutic relationship and the promotion of the client to set goals;

· structure the therapeutic interaction in a single session, and in the process of therapeutic work in General;

· find and better use their potential in therapy.

As with any process, contributing to the development, supervision cannot do without the crises. The therapist is not simply to abandon their professional Outlook, even when it is clearly unproductive, and to be open to changes in their therapeutic positions. The essence of the crisis in supervision for the therapist is to experience their vulnerability and at the same time his willingness to accept new information about your case, about yourself as a therapist. It is through crisis therapist develops itself, expands the boundaries of experience. Due to the formation of self-esteem in the process of supervision, opening up new growth opportunities, an obvious zone of proximal development specialist for him. The essence of the third rail, functions of supervision is to help the therapist to understand and control the characteristics of the self. Because maybe the influence of our installations, "blind spots", vulnerable places on the therapeutic process. When this influence is unconscious and therefore uncontrolled, then it can act antitherapeutic. Supervision helps the therapist to use and their limitations for the benefit of the client.

Supervision can be individual or in group. Group supervision has its advantages.

In groups – more varied feedback. The volume of possibilities in group supervision gives each therapist, novice or experienced, to choose what he is willing to accept that it can take at the level of its development.

In the group a broader context for the formation of adequate self-assessment, for professional support. Taking what others may have difficulties, errors, therapists accept myself more realistically with their difficulties. The fact that therapists ' difficulties are often the same, makes it easier, for the worker to look at your imperfections. Especially those who suffer from perfectionism therapists in the groups rid of your illness faster. Group supervision as a whole can be considered a more economical form.

in addition, when supervision in the group relations between the participants of the process have largely collegial, a partnership that reduces the likelihood of an addiction therapist from the supervisor.

it Should be noted that the practice of physician supervision required for education in the supervisor for yourself first. But that this function was internal, required hundreds of hours of collaboration in a specially organized Supervisory space in out.

October 20, 2012 in Ivanovo beginning of the next group, "Introduction to psychological counselling".

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