
Previously, the experts on time management divided all tasks into three groups: A, B and C. the Idea was that you had to first perform all the tasks of group A, then group B and finally, if you have time, you can start to group C. If your priorities have changed, then you will probably just change their order. It was obvious to everyone that in order to do their work in full, just follow some simple rules of time management.

This approach has lost its relevance with the advent of the recession of 2007-2009. In the period from January 2008 to February 2010 the U.S. economy lost 8.8 million jobs. But despite the fact that the number of specialists has decreased, the volume of work remained basically the same. In the end, the teachers had to take more pupils, representatives of support services to answer more calls, and managers — to manage a large number of employees, which was a logical consequence of the merger and seal teams. All full-time employees regardless of their positions were overwhelmed with work. Although since then, productivity still increased, the idea of dividing tasks into categories A, B and C came to the final and irrevocable end. Today, the congestion is considered a norm.

In this regard, the ability to get rid of minor works, i.e., those tasks that do not represent any practical value, neither to your colleagues nor your clients, becomes truly a question of professional life or death. So, it should be approached with the utmost seriousness, taking the initiative in their own hands. In fact, you should carve out for themselves the kind of work that you can perform. And the most appropriate time.

  • When you enter a new position. You can fresh eyes look at your problems and at the same time you recognize the minor work. Offer your Manager a list of goals for the next three months, eliminating to the extent possible, from mostly useless things.
  • When to existing you add new responsibilities. You have the opportunity to revise its work plan and submit it to your boss. Offer him a choice: "whether to charge me with the leadership of this working group, given that it takes me approximately 20% of the time? Or better...".
  • When your company is reorganizing. Try not to take on more work than you need. In such situations, many people are afraid to be rejected, because it is believed that this could lead to a dismissal. In fact, after the reorganization of the remaining staff are of key importance for the future of the company, so if you propose to alter its work plan, most likely will take more than positive.
  • When you just did some homework and all around celebrating your victory. It's time to contact colleagues. Ask the administrative Department or it specialists to relieve you from some useless load.

And here's how to do it:

  • take a vote. A wise accountant for years preparing reports that no one read. Then he sent his clients a list of all reports so that they chose of them three or four most important. Those of them that were unnecessary, he just stopped doing it. Another option is to ask your customers, be sure you perform a particular useless work, as do the cashiers when they asked buyers whether they need a receipt. The idea is to stop doing useless things, but first ask about it in order to avoid possible problems.
  • Automate. If the problem is minor and can easily be automated with the help of employees of the it Department. In any case, whether we are talking about planning, the confirmation or conclusion of a standard agreement, most likely, the market already has all the necessary programs. You just need to decide what you ultimately want to achieve, and to find someone who will help you with this.
  • Email rules. Set limits that restricted your job and make sure people know about it. One teacher decided to give personal references only to its patrons and students attending her workshops, and announced it in class. This allowed her to save a lot of time.
  • make time in your schedule to once a week to consider how to get rid of the useless work. Even one hour can play a huge role. Select certain hours and strictly adhere to them. Close to my office if you have one, or go in the conference room. You may need some time before people will learn not to bother you, however if you politely but firmly explain to all of them, it should work. Or adopt the approach taken by the doctors and set the hours when you are available, and the hours when you cannot be disturbed by trifles.

cut out a job on their own. Because either way, it's yours, which means that in the first place should make you. And stop, finally, to engage in useless Affairs.

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