
psi-practice is always accompanied by challenges and hard-won solutions. Not important – whether it be psychological counseling or long-term psychotherapy, we are dealing with communication between two people. And it is in individual work. But if we are talking about group work, the situation is even more complicated.

regardless of what modality we work, we never can limit ourselves to solving problems pertaining to us technology and techniques. The fact that we are dealing with communication processes in which, as you know, in addition to outwardly show manifestny levels there is an unconscious level of communication. This is one difficulty.

Another difficulty of the psychological work that the specialist psi-practices, in whatever modality he never practiced, always based on their personality. After all for anybody not a secret that for any psi-practice the main tool – he himself, his person with all its personal character, emotion, susceptibility, characteristics, talents, abilities, and weak, vulnerable places.

To overcome these difficulties inherent in psychological work, supervision can be a very valuable resource. Productive psychological and therapeutic work, it is important that the personal qualities of the psychologist is not suppressed, but at the same time they should not interfere with the process of working with the patient. It is very important to find a middle ground - not to crush yourself in the process of communication with the patient, but not to produce or reveal too. 

Supervision – it is a learning opportunity on how to maximize the use of your identity in therapeutic relationships with patients. This process is very difficult, often error many beginners of psy-practitioners stem precisely from the lack of attention to this important component of our work.

that the purpose of our supervision group “Contexts”, which aims at training of specialists of psi practitioners understanding of communication with patients, including the level of unconscious communication. This will allow you to see more subtle nuances in the process of working with the patient, deeper relationships in the ongoing process, understanding that things aren't always what they seem, and in human communication there are many levels of meaning.

You will be able through participation in our Supervisory group to enhance its communication capabilities in working with patients to uncover personal qualities that will help You to better feel and understand the patient and what is happening in the therapeutic process. Work with individual cases of practice and group psychotherapy. 

It would be interesting and useful both for development and for improving Your practice. I invite You to our group. We work Online, Monday 20:00-21:30, or Wednesday 12:00-13:30.

Leading supervision groups Goleneva, Lada V. - psychologist, supervisor, psychoanalyst, certified group analyst, and extensive experience in individual psychotherapy, conduct therapeutic and educational groups. Also conduct individual supervision for professionals psionic practitioners. tel 8-909-958-07-49. 

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