S. E. Medvedev, B. Butoma

Summary: modern teenage suicide prevention requires a system of organization of interaction of specialists working in the field of social and psychological care and modernisation of mental health services with the active participation of patients and their social environment.

Keywords: suicide psychotherapy, system approach, prevention.

System theory States that any behavior in the presence of another is communication. Thus, acts of aggression and self-aggression are acts of communication. The apparent difficulty of the analysis of cases of completed suicide is the lack of contact with the suicide. Lack of awareness of the population and some social institutions, creates a negative and intolerant attitude to their families. Due to the fact that there is a steady prosecution of the family, parents and relatives of suicide often do not receive support and have even become targets of accusations and suspicions. Part of the practice of unjustified criminal cases, leading to blocking contacts family members with services and to help prevent you from receiving accurate psychological information.

According to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation ( 62% of juvenile suicides linked to family conflict and distress, fear of violence from adults, conflict with teachers. That is, problems occur in relationships with older people.

because of conflicts with their peers and love reason children commit suicide in 13.6% of cases. Even rarer that there is a conflict with classmates.

We conducted an anonymous survey 54 helping professionals. The composition of the test – 54 specialist. Of these, seven (13%) psychotherapists, 19 (35%) of psychologists and 28 (52%) social workers

it Was suggested that two questions

- why?

- What?

the Answers were as follows:

the Reasons are seen in the family 25%, in relationships with other adults 37.5% of a child's personality 25%, and difficulties in relationships with peers of 12.5%.

Suggestions about ways to overcome the current situation, United in the same group. It was proposed to work with the family in 16% relationships with adults of the external environment in 24%, with the personality of the child in 52%, and difficulties relationships with peers – 8% of responses.

summing up the results typical of the trend reflected in the actual practice of the helping services. In assessing the reasons for the helping professionals close to the statistics of the Prosecutor General: the major part of difficulties in children's lives is the relation with the older, both within the family and nesamani environment. Paradoxically, the focus of the work is aimed at overcoming of difficulties and the prevention of suicidal behavior will be placed on the correction of the child's personality.

In domestic practice is used extensively in the treatment of children up to 15 years in private hospitals. According to official statistics, duration of hospitalization, on average, to 60-70 days. Round the clock surveillance ensures the safety of a child's life, but it can lead to the formation of external locus of control. The lack of active involvement of parents in the process of overcoming the difficulties of interacting with "troubled" child leads to the formation of their trained helplessness.

you Should also assume a decrease in the information content of data, research tools, resulting in a closed hospital, in conditions of deprivation and stress.


it Seems necessary:

- to organize a system of interaction and cooperation, psychologically and biologically oriented help of specialists.

developing tools for psychological support and prevention of emotional burnout of psychological and pedagogical composition of the teaching institutions;

- to create a system of effective public control over the activities of closed psychiatric institutions and their subsequent rehabilitation modernization in the modern format.


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