
Who controls your time?

Time management is a technology of the organization and enhancing efficiency in the management of their own time. To date, very popular and fashionable expression, especially in the world of business and entrepreneurship. In the 24 hours to each person, how to use them with maximum benefit for themselves?

the most Important role in the development of abilities to manage your time is the level of intelligence and the ability to clearly make decisions. You can plan every minute indefinitely, but until you analyze their habits, will never master the techniques of time management. And it is not necessarily hard to count your time. Because it can lead to the fact that the watch will control your life. The secret is to find your life balance. And it will allow you to control not only your working time but also will improve all areas of your personal life.

health an important component to effective time management. Poor health, regular stress, fatigue – lower your activity.

Intellectual sphere ongoing training, personal growth, finding new opportunities allows you to be inspired by new ideas and apply them.

Social sphere Good personal and business relationships allow to feel the usefulness and relevance in society, which is important for success .

Career do you feel Proud of your business or work? Are you satisfied with the level of their education? If not - change something in your life, otherwise no time management will not help .

Emotional sphere learn how to control your emotions and do not carry personal problems into work times and Vice versa. It is sometimes not easy, but possible. It all depends on the desire, patience and training. Think always positively, send emotions in the right direction and the results will not keep itself waiting.

the Spiritual sphere sphere of awareness. What is important to you, do you have dreams , goals which I would like to move? And it also takes time to think.

Analyze for themselves the situation, consider the procedure you have in every area of life. They are all very important individually and are integrated. But if we don't pay enough attention to - sooner or later there will be problems.

in order to learn how to manage your time, you need:

1. To improve the situation of those areas of life that require it

2. Well to analyze and determine the main purposes

3. Make a plan for solving each separate task.

4. Methodically do the work on the plan, and not procrastinating.

5. Seek help from professionals if need be.

Techniques of time management can be used in various fields. For example, in personnel management. The problem of a senior Manager is that sometimes the workload is very large and it would be hard to cope with it, the constant lack of time and stress.

In this case it makes sense to turn to a business coach. Get HR managers to training sessions on time management?

the Development of leadership skills, strategic planning skills. They acquire the ability to solve conflicts in a team, to delegate, to prioritize time and it helps to further educate their employees. Thus, it is possible to convey useful information to its employees and to implement it in the life of a company to improve its efficiency.

Those people who are able to do more things in less amount of time have complete freedom of action and getting more from life: they have more achievements, more time to implement their plans, more success and more fun. They decide how much time you need and the more you plan, the more time at their disposal.

Remember – If you don't have personal plans, then you get into the plans of other people.

With respect to You psychologist, coach, business coach Petrenko Larisa

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