
Body - significator disease of the soul.

it is Known that physical ailments are caused by our internal emotional state. From birth, the body begins to get used to outdoor conditions, withstanding the attack of various bacteria, producing so-called immunity. Approaching the age of 20-30 years in human history a large enough list of various viral and non-viral diseases.

the disease in childhood will leave its imprint in the psyche. For example a child suffering from allergies for a long time and experiencing childhood unbearable itching, leave this impression for life. His psyche will adjust to the as "the eternal itch" and came to a more conscious age people can be overly fussy and restless, because in his childhood he used to this condition. Often enough to +-14 years different leather of the disease are themselves. Parents think the body is somehow regrouped and all passed. Part of this judgment is true. The body really has changed. Consciousness has suppressed most of this unbearable condition and hid it in a mysterious mental sphere.

If a person is asked to recall the itch that he had in childhood then it is easy to reproduce it and begin to itch. If you do not remove the trigger hidden in the subconscious, the recurrence will last a lifetime (summer pollen, a ban on certain products, etc.).

Maybe the child is scared or fed him the food that he couldn't stand, but this food disgusted or what the smell caused a reaction or worms or ....... and it was so disgusting, it hurts, not nice that the person is not consciously showed it through the skin. If to speak about various forms of dermatitis, it can also be an indicator of greed, EGO, different offense.

I Have one client, 16 years old, he is a very closed society. Parents praised and praise him today saying that he will become a great architect (without any reason) and otherwise indulged him. They sort of played up to him saying what he wants to hear.

Leaving home and encountering children in a kindergarten, later in school, other people, teachers, and peers that greatness not seen, they are aggressive towards him. Returning home from the kindergarten, later school, he combed his hands and feet till they bled. I was trying to convey to parents the idea of the danger the construction of the personality at the top, but they were busy searching for pollen and any note to the side of the son provoked the aggression and resentment in my direction. Because in their thinking the enemy is somewhere outside, not inside. When communicating with the child felt his arrogance towards others. His identity is located above all it is very hard to live as soon as it goes beyond your family people try to challenge his greatness. Reaction to the disagreement comes through our protection from external aggressive factors - the skin.

Modern medicine has learned to suppress diseases with different drugs, but does not cure. I'm not talking about abandoning modern medicine, I'm talking about the attitude to the disease of modern medicine. Man is not a bag of bones and various organs in humans, there is Central control, which for various reasons are not working properly. You need to find in the deepest layers of memory those things that child at that moment was forced to be scratched. To understand its special sensitivity and it special painful perception of the outside world. Modern medicine likes to look for some pollen, an allergen that is harmful to the child, but removing the external stimulus, the child finds another stimulus.

Every physically manifested ailment is the cry of the subconscious and handling the attention, whether it be allergies, kidney stones, hepatitis, cancer or a tumor. Any manifestations of the disease has its explanation.

Safronov Alexander
Портал «Клуб Здорового Сознания»
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