
Emotional well-being – the concept is pretty nominal. How can you objectively (more or less) to try on something that is purely subjective, lies in the plane of sensations and imagery, and depends on many factors? Most likely, no. On the other hand, why try to change their well-being objectively? Emotions are subjective creatures. Let them remain. You can go by expanding the scope of perception. Expanding the level of awareness. Here is an example.

Every time I ask a live real person in the beginning of the meeting: "how are you?" I hear the three most frequent answer.

A) a generic label. Good, bad, normal.

B) a Detailed description of the events in the style of "I did this, that and even much of that...".

C) Fixation of attention on one thing. For example, the anxiety. And attempt to pass all his fortune only through the prism of anxiety.

All the above options are convenient for the rational part of the psyche that they are quite simple, specific and easily show others. But all these three responses do not provide information about what you have going on in the shower. Don't show how you are all well. Why?

May be because emotional well-being is a reflection of the functional state of your psyche.

That is a reflection of all the processes that happen in your head and soul. To generalize them all together is not easy. It requires time, reflection skills and trivial knowledge in psychology. But you could describe them in turn. You can recall your thoughts, emotions, complexity, number of your forces... about how you interacted with people and what it brought...about how you were lazy or purposeful. About various aspects of your well-being. And here it becomes useful and handy option test assessment of their emotional state. Because it is structured, written, consecutive.

When it is important to have an idea about their emotional wellbeing?

I work mainly with neurotic disorders. And because I am often asked about how do you can understand that the neurosis managed to cope. Based on the fact that a neurosis is a functional depletion, the answer is seemingly obvious: "you coped with OCD then when you feel mentally healthy person." That is, in the moment when you already have no complaints about any specific symptoms of neurosis. But this formal response. Given the recurrent nature of neuroses and disturbing scenario thinking is neurotic. Therefore, in such cases, I try to focus on the fact that the recovery is accompanied by active pursuit of life goals. And, for some time, to test the emotional well-being. This option is quite simple, so fits well in mind and convenient to use.

Interpretation of test results.

Interpretation is simple and linear. The higher your score – the higher the "dose" of emotional well-being. Because the test is functional, the test is not as such the target value. Important it is the dynamics of your indicators over time.

In the test it is possible to obtain both positive and negative values (in points). In the latter case we are talking about a high level of emotional stress and/or uncertainty.

because the test reflects the emotional well-being, it is useless to extrapolate (to carry) on the results of other people. We can safely say about a certain individual norm to which you can come systematically doing yourself and your emotional state.

Format of a test.

This test I propose to do to their clients before each session. There are several reasons. First, it allows the habit of the customer to a regular control of their emotional state. Second, the questions on this test quickly actualize an internal customer request and contain clues as to the request on a particular session. Oh, and in sequence, such test allows to develop the habit of Autonomous reflection of the client. Moreover, reflection does not only emotions, but also emotional problems with emotional resources.

If we are talking about what you get farmakologiya or try to affect their own status, it is recommended every 7-10 days.

is Also very useful to combine the subjective assessment (I usually ask to figuratively describe his condition in 2-3 words) to follow-up test score. Here are some examples:

a Calm confidence hope +53 b

quite calm and optimistic + 44b

the Interest, expectation, wild emotional diversity + 29 b.

I Hate neurosis +19 b

a state of calm, smooth, even a little joy +18 b.

Anxiety, peace, regret + 3b.

Worried that will work, plus get your driving license, and it's stress – 1 b.

peace and light sadness – 7 b.

background anxiety – 9 b

anxiety and fatigue symptoms – 24B

the powerlessness, the injustice, the hopelessness and 38 b.

Anxiety, obsessive thoughts – 59 b.

In General, try, hope it is useful! Here is a link to test.

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Kuzmichev, Alexander