
Yung allocated archetype that reflects a woman's life from girlhood to old age through images of various goddesses. Yung called the original “Bark”, which means “virgin”. Yung said that the ancient mythological idea of the Crust is capable of opening, like the kidney, and thus contain the whole world. 

Literally, Kore is Persephone, daughter of Demeter, and embodies the tripartite relationship between mother and daughter, and my husband and daughter. Forcibly married to Hades, Persephone is doomed to live in the realm of the Dead, which is an allegory of death. Thus is opposed to the communication Demeter-Cora, imagine how life and Hades-Bark represented as death. 

Cora, if you look on the one hand is the age and status period of the life of a girl is the time of entry into partnerships, marriage, beginning of life with her husband, and on the other hand, it is a metaphorical description of the psychological changes in her life, thus drawing an analogy with any initiation is spiritual death and spiritual rebirth in a new capacity, the transition from maidenhood to married life. In any initiation, people, through the initiation of a challenge to cross the threshold have to go through various complex tests before the new role, but the girls all happens naturally, such a threshold is first menstruation, which brings the girl over the threshold of childhood to adult life and adult life, thus becoming and psychological  and status transition. The second such threshold is the separation from family, from parents and start life with your spouse. 

Even if the Bark does not become a mother, and Persephone did not begot children by Hades, she preterpevaet transformation, moving abroad, and this transition from parents (Hera) to her husband (Hades) creates conditions for internal changes.

There is some division within this archetype, due to the fact that the girl is on the threshold of a new state: a Virgo-Bark, the Bride and Persephone, the mistress of the underworld, wife of Hades. This division is useful for understanding concepts and for use in the current situation. 

the Bark is not conquered on the top of life, where he meets his fate, the essence of which is the accomplishment of death and the dominion of death. This archetype reflects not only family relations but also social, as associated with the image of Hecate, which acts by regulating the social part of life, as seen her in ancient times. In the hymn of Homer, Hecate emerges from the cave to Demeter, to talk about the abduction of Persephone by Hades, and they turn to the Sun as the chief witness for the theft to return Persephone to her mother. But, eating pomegranate seeds forced Hades, Persephone is now forced one third of the year to spend with the husband in the underworld. Demeter, grieving the separation from daughter, does not allow the earth to bear fruit, and this mourning is repeated from year to year. 

This myth originated at the stage of transition of society from matriarchy to Patriarchy, when the daughter was left with her mother and went to live in her husband's home, and the tension of this period was offset by the generation of the plot of the myth. 

But, as noted above, the Bark contains in itself the features of various goddesses, and the archetype is that reflected in many associations. According to Jung, this archetype is of great importance because it greatly affects the lives of modern women. 

(Used: C. G. Jung “works. Psychology of the unconscious”, “Archetype & symbol”) 

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