
Welcome with you Alex Karev.

Today I want to share with you one observation. Now New Year's eve, a time of miracles and magic. In all of our schools, and not just the country coming to celebrate new year's. And my son has also had a matinee. Good, good, children's party with singing, dancing and theatrical performance. I liked it.

But what struck me most... the parents ' behavior. Children jump, try, and parents are the songs "all for the hall" don't sing along after the show the kids – don't applaud... Just glancing at me that "pop" around, singing children's songs, "and you, guy, not durika escaped?" br>
If you have ever played you will understand what I mean, but even if not acted, and just doing something for parents to they are noticed, appreciated... Imagine you laid out, and in response between the mute silence (except for one "abnormal")... Nor the artists, nor children, nor father frost with the snow Maiden or who do not clap... Sorry! br>
And after the theatre of disco. I go out to the children and start dancing with them, and children funny. They apparently never met an adult dancing sober. Adult look at each other, in my view, read: "just crazy"...

Now attention, a question. "How can we teach our children to support loved ones and each other, to empathize, to respect, to thank, to feel, to enjoy life, in the end, if they do not and do not even try? If each counter with a smile on my face, is regarded as either "shit" or suspicious, something is plotting."

bye, see you.

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