
the Initial phase of recovery from dependent drug addiction in rehab. (Part one)

I Want to tell you about the initial phase of recovery to the addict in a rehabilitation center for drug addiction. First, let's try to glimpse into the inner world of the addict to understand what is happening in his head and understand his thoughts.

I Should say that such a person since childhood, experiencing many fears, e.g. fear of evaluation of others, what will other people think; fear of being misunderstood; fear of looking usually look other people; the fear of being unaccepted, rejected, fear of being unloved; fear of being alone etc. because Of fears these people feel flawed, insecure. Have a dependent person is not formed from childhood a sense of self-worth, self-esteem. He doesn't take himself with the weak and strong sides of his personality. Increasingly he developed a critical part of a person, condemning other people and myself. Such people "eat" yourself for any missteps and mistakes, he feels pain, disappointment, and destroys himself, as not able to cope with all the difficulties that arise in life, so he runs away from them in the use of narcotic substances. Narcotic substance acts as an anesthetic, helps to escape from reality. For a drug dependent person serves as a support; going through life, he uses it as "crutches". With him it is easier and easier; under the influence of drugs appear illusion what is he doing, he was fine. Dependent people usually do not know how to use their internal resources and do not know of its potential. They have poorly developed their "adult" part of personality, they remain young children, as their development is suspended since the start of drug use. Dependent person - a person who avoids the responsibility, primarily, for their own lives and for everything that is happening in different areas.

you May think that all of these fears and feelings are present in many people, but they don't do drugs. I agree with you, no doubt about it, we all come from childhood. Many it was far from ideal, and not all become addicts. Most of the people or belongs to the group-dependent or group dependent on anything else, such as food, Internet etc addictions of many varieties. Many live and do not even think about it. To the group of "healthy" people is only a small part of us, they are people who know how to overcome life's difficulties, understanding and accepting that this is an integral part of life, through which man grows and develops. Most likely, these people was different a children's story, a different model of behaviour laid from childhood. And now, they continue to develop as a person.

What happens in a rehabilitation center after the dependent arrives in a more or less adequate condition?

Very often, getting into a rehab center, addicts are in a state of disuse, and the staff of the center, after a dependent comes, they begin to attach to classes and events provided by the schedule of the center.

For the beginner begins the process of adapting to a completely new, unusual conditions of life. While still in a state of withdrawal – painful physical and mental condition after the rejection of reception of narcotic substances, which lasts 1-1,5 years - a recovering addict is immersed in unusual atmosphere, in which there is no subject of addiction. And in the midst of the same people as he begins the dependent will receive informaciu, stories from the experience of other addicts, and these stories islove in the mirror reflected in the soul of almost every beginner. Of course, each story is different: in dependent different terms of use, different losses and destruction, and also used different substances, however the problem remains the same.

At the initial stage dependent are in denial or minimizing. Denial and minimization (understatement) is the types of psychological protection, which intervene automatically in each person, in an unpleasant conflict situation, and serve to mitigate the feelings of people in such moments. Protection is manifested in the refusal to acknowledge the existence of something undesirable, and thus people who use drugs, or denies the fact of the use, or diminish it.

for Example, he thinks and says about himself:
  • I'm not an addict, I'm not a "prick", and only occasionally smoke weed.
  • I, if they wish, can stop using drugs.
  • I compared with other, not yet finished, the addict, and feel fine.
  • it works for Me, and I don't want to change your lifestyle, I'm not getting in the lives of his parents and not tell them how to live. It's my choice, my life, and you have no right to interfere! Want drink, I was happy with everything in my life.

And to make sure that addicts have accepted the reality as it really is, it takes time, and each has it own. Residents at the rehabilitation center perform a writing task aimed at rethinking and awareness of their life. Listen to groups of other addicts, their answers to the tasks that each performs, based on personal experience. In the rehabilitation center lectures of the psychologist, which residents gain new knowledge. The psychologist also conducts trainings aimed at personal development and individual counseling. And being in this information mode, residents gradually imbued with the essence of the drug problem and begin to accept the fact of their illness, track their so-called traction as over time you learn to deal with it. In rehab mode, the schedule is built so that the residents are exhausted by the internal elaboration of deep spheres of his personality. The main tools they use in the process of being in the center is the tablet, pen and notebook. They actually do not part with them, as constantly prescribe the task in the form of questions, describing what is happening with them during the day, keep a diary of events and feelings. The addict learns to live a new life and track not only their traction, but also their feelings; learning to experience them fully, as his feelings were "frozen", and in the rehabilitation process, they gradually "frostbite" come to life.

Beginners at this stage are attached to a more experienced mentor who is in rehabilitation for a longer period of time. The task of the mentor is to assist and support the new guy, shares his experience, suggest something to him on the stage adaptation. After a brand new adapts, gets used to the schedule of the center, usually, the mentor is removed. And recovering addict learns to cope with arising difficulties, studies as necessary to seek the assistance of the staff of the centre and residents, the help here is available around the clock. It is important that an addict in recovery learn to be healthy initiative, asked for help, I speak honestly my thoughts, fears and feelings. Being in a safe space, worked through their fears: fear of evaluation, communication with other people, fear the opinions of others, and many others fear, i.e. would go to meet them,getting new experience, created new habits, gradually grew up and became more confident and responsible person.

With care for You, Larina Elena

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