
Modern psychoanalytic studies in a new direction, combining neuro - psychoanalysis – neuropsychoanalysis, relate to both genetic transmission and intergenerational transmission -through representation, through the representation of the parents about their child. This intrauterine experience of the fetus, constituting a single whole mother for nine months. There is a book by the Italian psychoanalyst Alessandra Piantelli "Back in time: experience of the psychoanalytic observation of infants by the Method of Esther BICK". (Method of observing the intrauterine development of the fetus introduced to Esther BICK, the ultrasound, she observed and followed the reaction of the fetus depending on the mother's reactions to the situation of the survey, watched the development of the fetus from week to week). In the book Alessandra Piantelli describes the experiences with autistic children from different families with different social status. Draws some conclusions about the influence of the initial unavailability of the mother for the formation of non-verbal communication and relationships.

Now it is proved that affective and sensory the kernel has developed by 5 months of fetal development. The child already feels the state of the mother, responds to her. As the child and the mother is a monad, then any emotion is very influenced by him. Prenatal symbiosis. Now pays great attention to prenatal attachment. Because then, after the baby is born it goes into the postnatal attachment – post-Natal symbiosis. And what will it be, depends on the previous attachment, which affects all aspects of development. Many of the factors that determine whether a toxicity that mother felt as she received the child, whether the meds have been experiencing, it was loss, was depressed. Also focuses on abortion, on the break, as superbacana losses, reflecting fears. In 5-6 months prenatal the child is the formation of the unconscious affective nucleus from the mother. And if the mother externally directed aggression (couple), the fetus feels it as aggression aimed at himself.

And after the birth of a child is formed a dyad. Or good communication, a dyad where the mother understands the baby's needs. Or dysfunctional, when the mother herself is filled with conflicts when she unconsciously can place the child in the suffering she has gone through.

And this is not the mother's fault that it developed a dysfunctional relationship, she just can't help it. These models formed in her life experiences and others she doesn't know. These models and installations that experience to be in bodily memory and pigmentally (domestically).And that she transmits to her child. And he perceives as a bodily experience in all its organs. The most important organ – the skin. Bodily psychosomatic interaction occurs very early. The child feels. Sometimes mom says she doesn't know why he was crying, just her bad (problems with the husband or other problems), and he's kind and ate and slept. But he reads the emotions of the mother. And then there is a need to work in a safe therapeutic space its protective mechanisms, it has been set, her expectations of motherhood.

In a fairly good relationship with the baby talk. Sing a lullaby where you have your rhythm, tone of voice, attitude to the child, he feels everything. He hears the mother's body: the intestines, the vibration of the voice. Because communication is essential to the baby. Nonverbal, bodily, verbal. She creates a safe container for growth. And this is the most important need is to communicate with loved ones.

And we know this need a lot of experiment done in the VIII century by Frederick II, King of Germany and Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. He, as a devout man, wanted to know the first language of Adam and eve. He was interested in the question: "what language will the children speak, if no one will talk." For this the Emperor gave orders to take some newborn children his Palace, fed and watered, but in any case not to take up and not to talk.

the Experiment ended in failure: all children died at age from 2 months to 2 years. Without communication, the child dies.

the First psychoanalytic experiment aimed at studying the effect of lack of love and attention to the mother on a child's development, made by Rene Spitz in 40 years.

He watched infants in the hospitals and babies left without mothers. In those days in the shelters nanny only took the baby for feeding, taking care of the kids formally. It was considered normal at that time: education in a rigid system. The study involved 91 children. The children were separated from mothers at the age from 6 months to a year. The mother of these children violated the law, so children and was excommunicated. Spitz called the state of the children that they have a syndrome of hospitalism, which was heavier than Analiticheskaya depression (depression with no object) . Spitz wrote: "At a later stage, these children generally fell into a lethargy, and lay without movement and sound, as if in a daze, looking into the empty space. The approach of any person, with the exception of nurses during feeding, they have caused obvious displeasure. ... Just as it was obvious that this approximation, an attempt to enter into contact with them, required them to abandon their lethargy and take advantage of the energy that they needed to respond to the perception and approach of any man."

Later, there was a silent film by Rene Spitz, "the Psychogenic disorder in children." The film is quite difficult to view it from the emotional point of view.

Spitz Observed children gradually fall into a state of insanity. They stop developing, they develop serious psychopathological disorders. And here either death or AutoSize (clinging to the subject – its a cot and other items). It used to be.

In the modern world mothers don't need to talk about the importance of communication with the baby. Moms know this and are trying their best. But sometimes the fantasy of a perfect relationship with the child's broken about reality. Because fatigue only accumulates. And if the mother has not resolved internal conflicts, conflicts in the couple, it robs the energy and ability to enjoy motherhood. And it is always important to listen to yourself and try to understand what the concern is why is not possible to understand the needs of a child. What protection covers this need. And that can be clarified in the consultations. Because the whole family is happy when mom is happy!

Eugene Saenko