Movement of the struggle for peace, Greenpeace, the movement for women's equality and others are part of our lives. How do they arise? What kinds of movements are there? Why is there people are joining?

Social movement is quite the organized unity of the people which are some (associated with any change in social reality). Accordingly, a group of people wants to change something in the world, to change the attitude to something. Supporting this position are people who have the desire to affect change, join the already functioning group.

However, such unity of people can be quite different. Call them and give examples.


wide-global - such as the struggle for peace, for disarmament, against nuclear tests for the environment etc.local movement, which are limited either by the territory or a specific social group - such as groups against the use of the polygon in Semipalatinsk, for women's equality, for the rights of sexual minorities, etc.movement from a purely practical purposes in a very limited region, such as for offset of any of the members of the administration of the municipality of

all types of social movements anyway traced common features:

They are based on a certain public opinion, which is preparing a social movement. although itself formed and strengthened with the development of dwijayanti the common goal of changing the situation, depending on its level or in society as a whole, or the region, or in any gruppera program, with one or another degree of elaboration and chethstudios aware of the resources that can be used to achieve the objectives, in particular whether violence as one of sredstvima implemented in varying degrees in various forms of mass behavior, including demonstrations, demonstrations, demonstrations, congresses

As there is a social movement?

the starting point of any social movement is problematic situation. This means that certain events bring discomfort, cause negative emotions in society. This situation requires decisions. It simultaneously refracts and in the individual consciousness, and in consciousness of a particular group: in the group achieved some consensus, and that is "spilled out" of a social movement.

In the formation of social movements have an important role to play:

steady social representations developed during previous development of the groupmoveable elements of mass consciousness, formed on the basis of the latest information (often incomplete and one-sided) due to the fact that the structure of social movements are dynamic and movable elements, changes in the slogans, goals and even the goals of this movement sometimes can be changed easily and quickly.

it's complicated and unclear? plain words, socially active people who believe that we can affect something in the environment, see a problem (a situation that does not suit them). No matter the problem is global or just the problem of a residential area. He joins a group of people who also want to change something. They have a common program and common activities (e.g., they print posters, hold congresses). They are based on the latest information on this situation, but have taken into account a strong opinion about this situation. Thus, they make a decision on how to proceed and to achieve a common goal.

Not everyone will like to be an active participant of social movements, and that's fine. Thus, such motion has many advantages. Participation in them motivates people, gives meaning to life, contributes to new acquaintances.

Yuri bobovsky