
the Metaphoric associative cards

an Effective solution to psychological problems provides the use of a universal tool –a metaphorical associative cards. Maps allow to expand the range of problematic situations, which can be work individual and family counselling.

What is the metaphorical associative cards?

the Metaphoric associative cards (projective card) used by psychologists in their practice for more than 20 years. German publisher Moretaylor popularized worldwide maps. In Russia cards appeared relatively recently, thanks to the love Moshenskoy (Israel), Leonid Talpis, Tatiana Koloshina, Natalia Romanova, who brought this method of psychological work in our country and in our city.

Projective maps can be applied both group and individual work with adults and children. They can be used in different directions of psychological work: in family therapy, psychodrama, Gestalt, existential art therapy, transactional analysis and psychosynthesis, and others.

In some cases, they are effective?


Working with psychosomatic diseases and dependencies

the Problems of parent-child and marital relations

Relationships in groups.

Business consulting

Clarifying and resolving conflicts

Personal growth

And more!

the Metaphoric associative cards – it is so versatile method that is used to solve almost any problem.

That the client will receive as a result of working with a psychologist?

will be Able to better know yourself

Open up your own creativity

Improve your communication with others

will be Able to understand the psychological reasons for what is happening to him of events and to find solutions to difficult situations

See a clear picture of their interpersonal relations

will Include internal processes of self-healing and finding your unique path out of the crisis

This program is for those who wants to better understand yourself and others!

Ekaterina Tretyakova