Codependency is a serious problem, especially due to the fact that co-dependent, often female, very difficult to admit that it is also problem and that her pain from her illness, not because of the partner or dependent child.

codependent'm sure she loves her family and with all his power of love , does everything.

what is the difference between codependency love ?

can a codependent person to love?

and if not, then what to do with it?

1. Love is a responsible caring attitude aimed at the development of the object of love. That is, responsible - understanding what you'll bring an action against the partner, respecting his boundaries and his wishes. Caring means that asks or says as the needs of the partner and responds positively.
Codependency - imposed re-education of the object codependent "love". Accurate knowledge as it requires. The fixation on it. Invalidate him, performing for him, even those things that he can do himself(he still does not handle it.
2. Can the Codependent person to Love?

I think not!


co-dependents , usually women, are fully focused on the rehabilitation and maintenance of the object dependencies, they fixated on it and do not hear yourself, do not develop themselves, do not understand what and how they want to. Irest not able to first Love Yourself! A man who does not love himself cannot love another. What do they do to save another? Secondary gain: to feel needed, important, busy, a flurry of activity and thereby justify the lack of a private life. Feel at altitude, compared with dependent and thus compensate for their low self-esteem.
3. What to do with it?

recognize that you are co-dependency and can't spravitsya

to acknowledge that it destroys you and dependent even more immersed in the dependency

to start self-development: learn to listen to their needs, to satisfy them, to separate their own happiness from the happiness and challenges of another person, to develop all areas of your life and restore your vital resources as necessary.

Start Living! Live for yourself and before you know your trust I want to live in another way)

after all, the more the pressure, the stronger the impact)

to enroll a consultation

Lilia V.
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