
According to the world Health Organization since the beginning of HIV/AIDS in 2016, there were an estimated 36.7 million people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA), 1 million of this number died within 2016, as a result of the epidemic, there were over 70 million, as can be seen from the statistics, more than half of them died from AIDS and related diseases. [2,4]

the HIV Epidemic, both globally and in the Russian Federation is distributed has a mosaic and generalized. [2,6]

Proof that the infection is acquired generalized is the fact that during the observation of the statistics of HIV infection from concentrated in high-risk groups (drug addicts, people with untraditional sexual orientation, commercial sex.workers) moved into the socially advantaged strata of society. HIV began to spread among socially adapted population outside the normal risk groups, the transmission is mainly heterosexual contact.

the term "ageing" of the HIV epidemic understand in the first place, the age factor wave of the epidemic, burden of diagnosed HIV in combination with somatic, neurological and mental disorders, the emergence of virus strains resistant to regimens of HAART and the increased life and age of PLWHA. Mental, social, psychological problems in the background of the HIV epidemic in the world prevent us from helping PLWHA and reducing their quality of life, professional and social adaptation of people living with HIV in society. [8-9,3,5,7]

How is rapidly changing the structure of the epidemic and rapidly changing psychological portrait of the participants. With the involvement of socially advantaged and adapted layers of socio psychological profile of PLWHA has changed dramatically, more than half of the PLWHA live in legal or civil marriage, raising children and creating a discordant couple (one spouse is HIV positive) and couples where both spouses have positive HIV status, HAART take courses, have a commitment to the treatment and give birth to healthy children. This plays a significant role of socio-psychological support, aimed at the promotion of motherhood and childhood, birth to women with positive status completely healthy children.

Occurrence in adolescence of children diagnosed with HIV, with proper psychological and social assistance to families, promote prevention of virus transmission and adaptation of teenagers with HIV in society.

unfortunately, experiencing stigma families are unable to seek assistance in existing structures (PMPC, departments for the protection of minors) due to the nature of their functionality, the lack of information about HIV and experience of this work with the specified population.

At the present time to address the growing psychosocial problems in the regional centers for control and prevention of HIV/AIDS and infectious diseases are the cabinets of psychological or psychosocial assistance.

in 2017 In the framework of research work on the basis of educational and medical institutions institutions: SF GAOU IN MGPU, UIPB AIDS Central research Institute of Rostovye of Microbiology and Parasitology of the Federal service and MBUZ "CRH mo Novopokrovskiy district" was organized, aimed at structuring the work of the departments psychosocial care and the development of their methodological support, providing real assistance to the Centers for control and Prevention of HIV/AIDS.

In the developed methodical recommendations "Organization and methodological provision of psychosocial support to Regional Centers for control and prevention of HIV/AIDS and infectious diseases, (organization, forms and methods of work), describes the main principles, objectives, tasks and stages to provide psychological and psychosocial care of patients. In addition, the recommendations present system of assessing the quality of group and individual forms of psychological intervention (a form of logging, documentary provision of psychological intervention).

In the Annex to the guidelines on electronic media (CD-ROM) presents samples of the documentary support for the work of medical psychologists, as well as topics of educational seminars and cinema events for the "patient Schools" or groups adapted to the social strata of society affected by HIV, minors among PLWHA, children, persons living with HIV.

also in the Appendix to the methodical recommendations developed by N..Grinchenko (Yelets State University of Bunin) "morality and health : ideas for classroom hours," which allow medical psychologists of the centers for control and Prevention of HIV/AIDS to prepare lectures on the prevention of dependency and the strengthening of moral principles for middle and senior grades of secondary schools. [1]

Structuring the work of the divisions of psychosocial support, their development, increasing state medical psychologists involved in the provision of psychosocial support Centers for control and Prevention of HIV/AIDS, help solve the emerging PLWHA have problems in relations with state structures, to promote the need for treatment, values of motherhood, childhood and family, making a huge contribution to the prevention of HIV/AIDS.


  1. Grinchenko N. A. the Lessons of morality and health (ideas for classroom hours). – Elec: YSU them. I. A. Bunin, 2014. – 84 p.
  2. the world Health organization (who) [Electronic resource] - Mode of access: (tested 01.02.2017)
  3. Commission on the social determinants of health (who) [Electronic resource] - access Mode: http:// social_determinants /thecommission/EN / (accessed 22.10.2017)
  4. Mental health and HIV/AIDS. Technical review.— AIDSTAROne.—USAID.-2010.—23C.
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  7. Halezova N. B., Neznaniv N. G., Belyakov N.. HIV infection and psychiatric disorders: current view on the problem// Medical Academic Journal.- - Vol. 14.- No. 3.With.- 14-32
  8. K. Bhaskaran, C. Mussini, A. Antinori, Walker A. S., Dorrucci M., Sabin C., Phillips A., Porter K. Changes in the incidence and predic_tors of human immunodeficiency virus_associated dementia in the era of highly active antiretroviral therapy // Ann Neurol.– 2008.—Vol. 63.— P. 213-221.
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Kirill Gorokhov V.- graduate student, Department of General and social psychology, SF GAOU IN Moscow state pedagogical University, a medical psychologist MBUZ "CRH mo Novopokrovskiy district". Krasnodar Region, stanitsa Novopokrovskaya al.mail:[email protected]

Kornilova Olga Alekseevna - the doctor of psychological Sciences, Professor, SF GAOU IN Moscow state pedagogical University, scientific Director. Samara, ul Stara Zagora d. 76эл. mail :[email protected]

Kirill Gorokhov