
About the problems of migration and emigration, I know firsthand. So for me writing this article is personal. I want to share their experience, their struggles, victories and defeats, as emigrant, and practical tips and knowledge that I have tried or purchased, and who have helped me at the time. br>
to Begin with that I-expatriate with experience. I was born in Akademgorodok in Novosibirsk, and then lived with her parents in Malaysia, then-a bit in America, then in India, then a little longer -- in Moscow, then-in Poland (I was hoping she'd be my house, but the plan has changed). Now again, I live in Moscow and I hope that is the destination of my journeys. At least for a long time. Each move for me was difficult, but with experience it becomes easier. However, some difficulties every time for me remain unchanged. For example...

Feeling stressed

different people Have stress manifests itself in different ways. Bodily I feel stress as tension in my back and abdomen. On the thought level of stress for me manifests itself as a constant dilemma: "who can I trust and how much". I can count on, who is asking for help, and what (and whom not)? From whom better to stay away and why? Who is my friend (at least hypothetically)? What do I do in a given situation? As certain things will appreciate the local people? What kind of behavior they expect from me? What I am willing to take in the new environment, and what is unacceptable for me? Where can you find a little love, compassion and security? How can you become a need in this society? And so on. All this was emotionally very difficult moments and to deal with them, it took me a lot of support, risk, and work on yourself. Of course, people are often asking these questions and in a familiar environment, at home, in their city, in their country. However, in the new environment, these issues are particularly relevant and sharp, and vital. After the change of residence is always an experience of loss and uncertainty of the future, it hopes, is meeting new. br>
And who is easy?

the Success of adaptation in a new place usually depends on several factors. In particular, personal features of the person (e.g., baseline depression), the number of negative life events, level of social support. It is easier to account for those people who are considering the move as a temporary event in which there is certainty about the work and place of residence. But even in this case the immigrant was partly destroyed emotional connection with significant others, which had to be left at home. It can be very difficult, and the creation of new relationships takes time. That is, the immigrant in any way emotionally weak. If emigration is associated with a high degree of uncertainty in all areas (work, housing, relationships, future) or is involuntary, people perceive it as psychological trauma. The most difficult adaptation process of the immigrant in a new location occurs during the first two years. br>
Emotions, negative thoughts and health

In two years of working with immigrants in Poland I noticed that some people adapt in a new place more successful than others. Those with a stronger stress, and adaptation takes a worse, often think: "I can't change myself and my life"; "life is pain, suffering and feelings"; "Everyone needs to help and empathize with me"; "All of my suffering just because of external circumstances"; "I am defective, because I can't deal with the situation", and so on. Those who adapt faster, at least allow yourself negative thoughts.

Migration is having a stressful impact on the human psyche, and can be a powerful impetus to the development of psychosomatic diseases. Not experienced and/or ignored emotions can be transformed into a psychosomatic illness. Among the most common diseases of migrants observed: bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis, anorexia, bulimia, shortness of breath, skin diseases. Emotional support and the opportunity to Express their feelings are very important points of self support, especially at first. In addition, if you decide to emigrate, make sure that you have time to adapt. After all, to live hard feelings quickly – another stress!

What to support?

A. the Local language

Olivas in another country, you need to learn the language and culture of this country. I'm in Poland for 2 years met in the language tandem with the Polish girl Katia. It was not only an opportunity to learn the language, to feel the necessity of knowledge of their native language, but also the opportunity to build friendships, learn more about local customs. In General, these meetings are great then supported me. Personally, I found Kate on the website for Couchsurfing, but surely there are other places and ways to find like-minded people in exile. If the adaptation is successful, the person integrates well in the new environment, partly adopting the customs of a new culture, without losing complete self-identification with their original culture.

B. Contacts and communication

One of the ways that helped me to adapt in Poland, was the theatre, where it was possible to write scripts that are close to what is happening with me. Losing situation, I supported and saw the situation in new ways. Involvement in the business and the relationship with any group of people in a new place -- the key to successful adaptation. Also perfect for these purposes, a therapeutic group (a small world in which you can experiment, get support, see the differences and similarities between themselves and others). Important for me was to maintain contact with other foreigners. I could discuss that I do not like country or think it strange. To discuss their dissatisfaction with the structure of society was much simpler with them than with local friends: I was embarrassed and afraid to offend their discontent. How not to sound corny, try not to lose contact with loved ones. Use modern means of communication, video chats, etc., to be able to share feelings and discuss the news.


Even in difficult conditions a person always has the choice of how to help yourself. Here are some tips that will help you to reduce stress in the first two years of life in a new place:

-- do Not refuse support;

-- possible help others.

-- Participate in the groups (linguistic, religious, sports, etc.);

-- Share your experiences with those who are willing to listen to them;

-- If you need to cry, don't hold back and weep; br>
-- Engage in any sport;

-- Eat on schedule;

-- Regularly communicate with friends and family, left on a former place;

-- Learn the language and be interested in the local culture;

-- avoid negative thoughts;

-- Remember that the process of adaptation is not eternal. One day you will Wake up and feel that you – at home;

Nina Volonta

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