


Voronina S. I., Shramchenko E. V.

Kuban state University, Krasnodar

In modern society, which often are artificially propagated the cult of rational attitude to life, embodied in the image of a reference person as obviously bulletproof and as if devoid of emotion of Superman (S. G. Spacebank, 2002), the important issue is emotional and somatic sphere of the individual, because people do not care enough about their emotions, feelings, bodily manifestations, which acts as a powerful barrier to gaining integrity and contact with reality.

Awareness of emotional experiences, their discernment, differentiation of feelings, the ability to adequately identify and Express – these are the skills that form the basis of emotional self-regulation in which a person of one's choice is holding back your affective reaction or is it in accordance with the situation, and the ability to correctly understand emotions and feelings of other people, which in turn reduces the interaction with others, making communication in General more efficient and productive.

In a world of over-analysis and rational thought, many are difficult to recognize and Express their feelings, which is one of the reasons for alienation from one's own body and feelings, the formation of a "schizoid" (R. may, 1997).

a Number of modern foreign and domestic authors consider the awareness of the person in the emotional-sensual sphere in the context obamaloney culture, or emotional literacy, or emotional intelligence and emotional thinking. With its specificity, each of the contexts at the same time, emphasizes the importance of human life that is affective sphere.

E. V. Libin (1996) speaks of emotional competence as the ability of the person to perform optimal coordination between emotion and goal-oriented behavior based on adequate integrated assessment of man's interaction with the environment. The adequacy of the means taking into account external (motivation and environment) and internal (the state of the organism and past experience) factors that affect individual in this situation.

we believe, However, that the correct way to talk about emotional-somatic competence (ESC). To be emotionally competent somatic means "to have access to their own emotionally-sensuous sphere, to the sphere of bodily symptoms and sensations, to be in contact with them and to be able to control them... to be attentive to these areas from other people (S. I. Voronkina, 2002). High level ESCs also involves access to their needs, true desires, not always obvious reasons, the ability to determine differences between feelings and bodily sensations at any moment to be able to adequately identify their emotional state, that is, the possession of qualities, opposite qualities alexithymics personality. Also, man, endowed with a high level of ESK, is able at its option to containerevent, or to promptly update your feelings adequately to the situation, while choosing the form of their expression, and, if necessary, motivate themselves and other people. Finally, it is necessary to mention such important characteristics of ESCs as the timeliness of contact with feelings, emotions, sensations, physical impulses and the appropriateness of their display.

As if to illustrate the phenomenon of ESK, D. Lawrence wrote: "the life of the body – the life of sensations and emotions. Body feels true hunger, true thirst, real joy in the sun or snow, real pleasure from the smell of roses, or look at a lilac Bush; true anger, true grief, true tenderness, real warmth, real passion, true hate, true grief. All the emotions belong to the body, the mind only recognizes" (D. Boadella, 1987).

Indeed a connection between emotions and somatic aspects has long recognized the obvious, it is pointed out by Aristotle (emotional processes are implemented jointly "soul" and "body") and Descartes (passion arising in his soul, is his "body double") (E. P. Ilyin, 2001). Emotional experiences can be judged not so much by words as by changes in the autonomic indices (heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, etc.), and psychometrika (facial expressions, pantomime, voice).

In our opinion, the basic ideas, HSC presented in the concept D. Boadella (1987) and his followers, in particular, the notions of physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of health and ways of reintegration of human integrity (the restoration of the lost integration of the mind, feelings, and actions) is grounding, centering, vision and sound.

Generated ESCs is often the key to professional and personal success. The thesis work Melnikova E. (2002), Doinikov A. (2008), and Gurenko N. (2008) have shown that Navy officers and officers of the Ministry of interior with Viscom level ESCs are characterized by a high level of responsibility, more pronounced communicative competence etc., which largely determines the success of their career growth.

In our study (E. V. Shramchenko, 2008) studied the relationship of ESCs and style of a parental relationship of fathers of adolescents who were diagnosed by the methods of "the Toronto alexithymia scale" and the severity of such parameters as emotional awareness, managing emotions, selfmotivation, empathy, recognition of emotions of other people.

as a result, it was revealed that those fathers who have a high level of ESK, indeed, are able to recognize their own emotions and to track the changing experiences of their child, they are well in control of your emotional state, have a pronounced flexibility of behavior in different situations in the relationship with their own children, self-control, to prevent aggression during a misunderstanding with your son or daughter. In contrast to the "incompetent" fathers, they are close enough to your child, moderately demanding and strict, seeking to protect him from difficult situations and to help find a way out of them, at the same time, give him enough freedom to make their own decisions, allowing to show independence, are open to discuss any issues. These fathers accept their child as he is and support him, which is very important in parent-child relationships, especially for children complex and contradictory adolescence.

so, a high level of ESK helps to build a more intimate based on mutual understanding and trust relationships between father and child.

So, thinking about the ESCs (S. I. Voronkina, 2002) receive their empirical confirmation, which in turn, again proves that contact with bodily impulses, sensations, feelings, emotions gives the person a chance to more consciously present in the reality of his own life.

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