This is an informative article. And I really do not recommend self-medicate. Only a psychiatrist will be able to choose the drug, taking into account all the nuances of the human condition. In addition, it is my personal preference for the purpose. All discussions are welcome.

1 Atarax. This is a fairly new tranquilizer, that is a sedative. By its chemical nature differs from that of phenazepam. Well-tolerated, soothing. Does not cause dependence and addiction. Improves memory and attention. Non-toxic, can be used in the elderly.
Cons – often causes drowsiness.
2. Phenazepam. Good old phenazepam, a tranquilizer benzodiazepinovoj group. Quickly calms, causes a pleasant relaxation in the body, normalizes sleep.
a lot of Minuses. Can cause drug dependence. Therefore, you cannot apply for more than 12 consecutive days. The dependence of phenazepam treated difficult. Should not be prescribed to persons suffering from alcohol and drug addiction. You cannot assign the elderly, because it is toxic, impairs breathing and causes intoxication psychosis. Can disrupt the respiratory function, prolonged and intensive use is bad for memory and intelligence.
3. Fluanxol belongs to the group of neuroleptics. Soothes and improves mood. Does not cause drowsiness during the day. Helps with mixed anxiety and depression
Cons – sometimes causes drowsiness and double vision. In women can disrupt the menstrual cycle.
4. Chlorprothixene is also an antipsychotic with sedative and antidepressant action. Acts quickly. Effective for insomnia. You can apply in the elderly.
Of the minuses – often causes drowsiness, can cause hormonal changes.
5. Sertraline and other antidepressants of group siozs. This is the most recent solution for the treatment of anxiety. Recently it is believed that anxiety is associated with decreased serotonin in the nervous system. Suitable for long-term treatment of chronic anxiety.
Cons – the effect occurs within a few weeks. At the beginning of treatment is strengthening the anxiety. A fairly high price. A reception from 3 months to 1 year or more.

Panic attacks definitely need to be treated. Despite the fact that panic attacks never lead to serious issues, they strongly influence the ability to work and reduce the quality of life.
In most cases very effective psychotherapeutic treatment. There are special techniques that quickly improve the condition. These techniques help to reduce General anxiety, regulate the function of the autonomic nervous system. Only in some situations, the necessary drugs . the
Treatment panic attacks gives very good results, the main thing is not to delay and not to wait for complications, and to consult a qualified therapist.
Polotnyanko Anastasia
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