
At all times in the children's groups existed belittling, ridicule, bullying some children over others. Why this is happening. Why do some become the object of ridicule, while others are not. The development of a child goes through certain stages of psychosocial development.

Bullying is beginning to emerge from a certain age, this phase of identity, which falls in the age 10-11 years. At this time, for a teenager it is important to belong to some group, to be like someone. At this time the need is expressed in the idealization of himself and the other. And if the child stands out from the collective of their dissimilarity, it can be an object of ridicule.

Consider who can often be a victim in these situations.

these are children who are somewhat different from the others. This may be a child who is not learning, but not because they are lazy, but which is difficult given program, ie .which works well. It could be the opposite, high achiever, but not one that always has time in sports and in studies, and such a nerd, a bookworm.

This may be physically weak or hyperuricaemia child or a child with some defect. Very often the object of ridicule children are overweight, clumsy, unwieldy.

It can be children from poor families who don't have any expensive gadgets or fashion items. This often happens in the elite schools.

Many other reasons - tattling or honesty. Remember the film "Scarecrow", where the girl told the truth in spite of the collective.

What are the signs that all is not well in the school? First of all, the child refuses to go to school. It suddenly begins, often sad, becomes sad. Reduced academic performance. The child may frequently get sick. You may experience various fears. He becomes insecure. Finally, it is a suicidal attempt.

it Becomes clear that preventing bullying is impossible, because it is impossible to resist the group. So what to do?.

First of all, attentive to the mood of the child. With a child you need to talk every day is not only about studying but also about the attitude with peers, about his Hobbies. If YOU notice that with the child something not so, you need to speak frankly with him. And the more formed the trust in the family, the more likely it is You will open.

If YOU notice that the child is vulnerable to bullying, talk with teacher, with friends, to have a clearer picture. Adult can play a big role in child support and correction relations. It is important to maintain the baby might be to go to her father or another authoritative person in school and to protect the child. I had a case when high school students abused the child. To school several times came the older brother, threatened them, and everything behind.

In extreme situations the only solution is transfer to another school.

What not to do is to shift the blame on the child, to offer himself to cope with the problem.

Yes, sometimes the child can handle himself with the situation. For example,the hero of the movie "Miracle".

But without the help of adults, it can take a long time.

Gusel'nikova Irina