
Yesterday went for a walk in the Park. I usually go on the paved trails in straight lines, and then decided to walk on the trodden path leading diagonally into the trees. Mostly yellow leaves on the trees are already circled and ahead were the bare trunks, but still opened the eyes of the kind of pampered and soothed look.

Walking a little further I saw that if you turn left, then I'll go to the alley with lots of houses and booths of the entertainment zone of the Park, but if just right, then I will continue to walk among the trees and my favourite, the landscape will remain. br>
I turned in the direction of the trees, good routes, it was possible to build a set of straight paved footpaths intersect with the curved bike, and in addition there was also trodden the paths.

Thought here, in the Park, the occupants of different routes and directions of movement corresponding to the different motives and purposes by which they got here:
- someone came in for fun, heading to the houses, kiosks and carousels;
- someone's walking around, enjoying the scenery, the trees, and he, like me, chooses a very different route;
- and some just walk through the Park on their business, not having Park special relationship, he just got in his way. It goes diagonally, not thinking neither about fun nor about the landscape, getting from point a to point b, not noticing anything around, shortening the route.

If you imagine that life - this is the Park where we were on the destiny (which, as we know, not choose). Then a bit silly to live this life just going from point A birth to point b - death, on a diagonal, not noticing anything around.

it is Better to raise your head and look around, because parks are usually used for healing, peace, and entertainment.

And then, you can choose a different road, a different route.

you Can choose the way of consumption, hearty burgers and kebabs, sweets and cotton candy in the stalls, exciting rides, fun and joy rides.

you Can delve into himself and his thoughts, enjoying the views around the Golden leaves of the trees, slowly swirling in a dance, falling from above, from the top down to the ground, rustling under your feet, with every minute stanoviti better, as if charging from the world of nature and silence.

you Can pedal the bike, run or practice on simulators, street gymnastics, gymnastics, which is called now the buzzword workout.

it Seems that the most effective time and effort route is to go through the Park on the diagonal - not the best option of his passing..

Vladislav Milevsky