
Three main causes of problems in relationships.

the Pair coming to me for counseling, almost always experiencing the same difficulties in building relationships, the only difference is how the individual characteristics of the partners and at what stage they are in the moment.

the FIRST AND ONE of the MAIN REASONS wrong choice of partner in other words your is yours.

If you initially pick the person for creation of family based on various errors or not knowing how to choose the right partner, you obviously have a losing option. Example: "if Only people were good; the family-will endure, all the girls married and I need someone." Initially the relationship was built just for sex or a man has status, position in society, financial prosperity women go to any lengths to get this man, with absolutely no worrying about how suitable this person is for you or not, and as a result, we're a whole bunch of problems in the relationship.

the SECOND REASON the inability to build relationships.

Very often, a couple coming to me for advice is in a state of confrontation.

Each of the partners not listening to each other, is on his own, gained a lot of weight to mutual insults, reproaches, complaints, accusations. Relations at an impasse, there is an emotional gap, coldness relative to each other, there is no sex or it is minimal. Emotional state: dominated by negative emotions. In relationships, people do not live and suffer.

First of all, in such pairs is no dialogue and the ability to hear your partner and negotiate. Very often functions are not distributed, who is responsible for what within the family.

the THIRD personal problems.

To personal problems include: no ability and capacity to love, various violations of the emotional-volitional sphere, mental immaturity, accentuation of character, borderline personality disorder. Acting out family scenarios, the only family in which educated people, the repetition of the scenario of the relationship that has occurred between the parents or their absence.

Build a harmonious and happy relationship is not an easy task, but doable. If the person is, the partners aim to build relationships, to rectify the irregularities in the functioning of the family, to correct the personal "plugging" in the end, to learn the art of right relationship, the person or couple will invariably get the result we seek.

In matters of personal counselling in a personal email or phone.