
the Human brain consists of three parts:

a Child is born, first he formed the reptilian brain, then the limbic system, to 7 years the neocortex. In each of these periods is the formation of certain skills inherent to each system. It is important to note that the conditions and environment which formed a particular skill, unconsciously "written" and recorded each person is extremely unique way. Until in adult life the person begins to understand how it works, what affects his perception of why attention from the outside world vytseplyat certain experiments a lot in his life, in the words of Jung "happens to him as fate".

1) reptilian brain is the base of the brain, responsible for biological survival, is responsible for bodily functioning. Corny, we all breathe, but consciousness none of us controls this process, for us this deals with the reptilian brain. When a child is born, everything that happens to him or around him, unconsciously is recorded as information in this part of the brain.

How is the first year of a child's life, in what conditions, how the mother figure or its substitute is able to determine the needs of the child, to satisfy them, how it will be attentive to the bodily interaction with the baby, as far as internally, it will experience love or hate, in General, all that a mother in this period of life will occur in the context with a newborn, all unconsciously to be "recorded" in the reptilian brain at the level of stimulus-response.

Adult man, coming to a psychologist, may present such requests: "I'm not beautiful", "I'm fat", "I feel", "I can't feel my body" and so on - this suggests that trauma has its roots in the period of infancy. This is the problem with bodily self-perception, a sense of the body.

the Reptilian brain operates even if human consciousness is to be unconscious. It records all incoming information, all that accompanied the trauma, with the aim to avoid similar experiences in the future.

Man, thus, is that information about the world, and is able unconsciously to live by the principle of "selective attention".

2) limbic system emotional brain, is responsible for territorial issues, creating a shared space, conflict and disassembly, setting and holding boundaries. Operates on the principle that to enjoy/suffer. From the limbic system has its pros and cons. The good news is that the system teaches people empathy, the ability to understand what is happening with the other person, the bad news is the merge feature, when one dissolves in the other, losing himself. The emotional brain is assessing the emotional significance, learning to recognize context information of the world.

the Main problems with which people come who have mental injury, I call them "bugs" -as malicious software error recorded in the period of formation of the limbic system relate to the emotional boundaries of self-determination. People often say "I'm insecure" "I don't know who I am", "I'm lazy" and so on. Another is the problem of self-realization and building personal relationships. Originally these problems in the age period of from about 2 to 6 years.

Again, back to what I was brought up in this period, what forms of interpersonal interaction I've seen in my family, what role they took me, so I have "written," unconscious response.

for Example, a child is a child rejected often refused, left him alone. He was bad, he suffered. In his childhood there were many experiments in which he endured suffering, his limbic system was formed under the slogan of reaction "upset."

the Child grew, became for adults. He unconsciously will produce a children's injuries in the present, to suffer, or to any unpleasant situation is to react according to the principle of "upset" - so he learned. Will be the hostage of his childhood trauma until start to trace these unconscious reactions and begin to fix them at the level of behavior and emotional response. And doing it in psychological practice.

All dependencies come from the traumas of this period.

3) neocortex - is the youngest part of our triune brain is responsible for rational the mind, the intellect, intellectual boundaries. Is analyzing all incoming information, gives the names and kategorisine. With the help of the neocortex we have the opportunity to realize the "system error" reptilian brain and the limbic system, and correct them develop adequate, flexible forms of behavior and emotional response, as well as we are able to define themselves to themselves and make their own decisions, to make choices!

I'm the author's method of defining mental injury of a person, help to see the connection between "there and then" and "here and now", make a plan for how to work with it to life has acquired a new quality of comfort...It is possible!

Shilenko Olga