
In our lives, as well as the relationship does not happen always all the chocolate and pink tones, it's quite normal to experience difficulties, being dissatisfied with a partner to get mad at him much worse when a person puts a ban on the manifestation of these feelings, denying them as such. And indeed through the crisis - this is very useful, it gives us new horizons for growth and development, another question is how we implement them. However in such times, it may seem that the partner doesn't support me, does not understand, appears who claims and it is important to separate the discontent caused by the experience of a crisis in life or a relationship has outlived its usefulness and it's time to make the switch.

some points which can help you to understand the situation.


it's Time to change partner

the Mood at zero, it's not so in any way you'd like

the Mood worsens at the thought of a partner returning home, after meeting with him.

I do Not understand what they want in/from life.

I do Not see it in the future beside him.

Annoying anything and everything including partner, but no more than other

He is the only cause of your anger and discontent.

He stopped cause you had the interest, I do not know how to entertain themselves on weekend, what to do in the evening

With all the other you're filled with enthusiasm, new ideas, and it's not like nothing

the Sex with him became less monotonous, and sometimes just prefer to be together

With it do not want anything, but when you look at other men, sexual desire appears immediately

Imagining him mentally with the other boil, Yes, and do not want anyone to imagine

Just don't care, and if he is happy then all is fine

Sometimes you wonder about the breakup and imagine how I lived without it, but this picture is not particularly impressed.

you already Have a plan and a list of events that you want to implement when you break up and you're looking forward to it

Answering yourself honestly, you will be able to understand in which direction to go. In the event of a crisis it is necessary just to survive, to find new meanings, Hobbies, activities, possibly from something to refuse, but if you survive it together, it will only strengthen your relationships and make them deeper. And if you do realize that this is the reason partner, then I see no reason to pull and wait for the right moment, life is too short:)

take Care of yourself)

Maria +7920 899 50 05

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Zelin Maria