
the Johari Window was created by American psychologists D. H. Lift Inhuman 1955, as a heuristic technique that allows people to better understand the relationship between their personal qualities and how they are perceived by others.

the Matrix looks like this:

I Know

I don't know


Open space

the qualities that we love adopted by the society

Blind spot

quality, which we do not suspect and learn about them through the feedback


Hidden zone

quality which we know and not in a hurry to share

Unknown area

we don't know and around (resources, capacity)

Please complete the table: fill in the appropriate boxes, all that comes to mind and seem realistic. Usually the problem begins with the "blind spot" and "unknown zone".

To fill the "blind spot" will remember what ever you told other people about you, your qualities, skills, and abilities.

To work with "unknown zone" remember classes that were not your hobby, but that you once worked sporadically. It can be anything that brought a sense of fun and enthusiasm. Perhaps it is in these classes lies your growth zone.

In the next step complete the matrix of the metaphorical cards: take a deck of archetypes in the ideal of the American "Inner Active Cards" - it is clearer to understand, suitable for men and for women. You can use other decks.

the closed pull four cards on each square of the matrix. Take turns to turn over the picture, starting with the "open zone". Consistently explore the "hidden zone", "blind spot" and "unknown zone".

What is the Association each figure and how they relate to square, which were opened? "Catch" the first thoughts and ideas – they are usually the most correct. Consider the resulting images as they will help to Supplement your notes, especially in the "blind spot" and "unknown".

Example works with the "Johari Window" and "deck Nicoletta Ceccoli". Variants of questions: do you Like the picture? What does the heroine? What qualities does it have? What is the Association? What is it? What is she passionate about? That picture is associated with your quality within ... (open, hidden, unknown area blind spot)?

I Know

I don't know


Open space

Blind spot


Hidden zone

Unknown area

"20 feedback"

Complete equipment "The Johari window is" additional assignment for the "blind zones". For an accurate understanding of how you see others, ask at least 20 different people. Ask everyone two questions: what are my strengths you see and what question you would have asked me for advice? The more answers will be from people of different circle, the more interesting will result.

Analyze the resulting feedback. What qualities match? That same noted your respondents? There is something that is often repeated or which came as a surprise to you? Think about how you can use the information in daily life, work, business.

me Personally, exercise has helped to see ourselves as a skilled organizer of events and to complete the list of services art therapy groups, and psychological games.

Alina Maksimova