
the Certainty or uncertainty – which is better?

"of Course, confidence!" — say you're absolutely right. In most situations, confidence is vital, especially in a competitive environment. And competition now almost everywhere. But it always helps the confidence, try to understand.

in order to answer this question, we need to see what gives us each of these States?

Man lives in a social environment, every day he interacts with different people, with one he's building relations because he wants it, with others, because I need to. A man could make a move, if he was sure of it, and it is difficult if this confidence is missing.

Confidence arises when we have no doubt of the correctness of the decision. And here it does not matter if it's the right decision or not. From the point of view of the person that made the decision – it's right. From the point of view of other people it may be stupid, senseless, dangerous or something else. Then, after a certain period of time, people can understand that this decision was wrong, and if he knew about this before, I would have done differently. But it will be later, but for now he is sure he is right and acts as it sees fit.

Confidence protects people from the effects of the external environment, is a resource state. Confidence helps to move forward, but with the same success back if confidently committed wrong actions. Sometimes it swings so far that to return to the previous positions takes months, and even years.

the State of confidence is a psychological human need. Life always presents new challenges. In a world where so much uncertainty, where there are more questions than answers, where everywhere is competition, it is impossible to achieve success without confidence, without confidence in the correctness of the chosen path, without confidence in their decisions, deeds and actions.

Confidence, like any quality, any skill could be trained and acquired over time. The basic quality of "confidence" is formed from the moment of birth of the child. Although, not all so simple: do matter and the prenatal period of child development, and even the thoughts about it, which was my parents at the moment of conception. Welcome the child initially feels this state from the moment of conception and birth. The child acquires confidence in his support relevant people, primarily parents. He's confident and behaving confident in the extent in which he did allow parents, caregivers, teachers, and peers. If a child is constantly exposed to criticism (that he is not like other more successful of his peers, he does everything wrong), the child's sense of self-confidence begins to erode. It is replaced by self-doubt.

But the struggle with "self-doubt" gives no results. There was nothing to fight — in other words, insecurity is lack of confidence. The results give only the development and reinforcement of skills confidence. This is their fundamental difference.

Why noisy Threeness in life achieve big results? Their parents have drowned in them a sense of confidence in their ability that they all can be on the shoulder (not in mathematics and chemistry), and in other social fields. All their activities at school and in the Institute aims to survive in this social environment without the possession of some extraordinary abilities to the exact Sciences. For 15 years they train skills of successful socialization, because they do not survive. After graduation, they are more prepared to compete for positions, salaries, status, position in society.

But not all so sad in a quiet C students and b people. Despite criticism and bans of parents in the home, they find their niches, where parents are ignored. It is, as a rule, those subjects and fields of knowledge that they love and where they can develop and achieve success, feel confident. No one here is able to criticize them and usually school children or students here get positive reinforcement, boosting their self-esteem and self-confidence. The experience of becoming, living and developing this confidence can help them in future professional activities. It is important to know this state of confidence and the ability to use it, and in the future it can be extended to other areas. Not always easy to do, but possible.

As mentioned earlier we can confidently take actions that lead to success, but also the actions that lead to failure. Confidence is a tool that people use to solve those or other problems. Confidence helps, but it is also blinding. Excessive confidence turns into overconfidence and then a person reduced level of critical thinking, his beliefs become stiff and rigid. He ceases to hear the voice of reason and experience in any doubt. Doubt and certainty are one and the same scale, just different poles. If the person is frozen in one point, he will encounter situations that will force him to get out of it. The only question is what it will cost him.

If confidence helps you move forward, helps to find the optimal and safest way, and their interaction helps to achieve the best results. Only for each of them has its own place and time.

When people can freely "walk" on a scale of "doubt – confidence", it means that he has a good self esteem and at any point he believes in himself. If he gets in any part of it, it speaks of his insecurity or confidence.

Insecure man is very difficult to decide on a new case, in doubt. Cocky be resolved easily, but he often fails and gets stuck in the correction of errors.

Because the state of confidence is a psychological human need, each is implemented differently. Permissiveness contributes to the development of self-confidence. Very often it is peculiar to the leaders of informal groups. External confidence is an attractive quality. It attracts other group members, lacking confidence, including confidence. There is a substitution, you can not worry about self-confidence, enough to be confident in the leader, that's comforting, but at the same time deprives critical thinking, as the man takes responsibility for what he does. He was confident that the leader can handle any situation. A departure from the group occurs if there are doubts in correctness of the way in which group. Doubt is a sign of critical thinking and an indicator of growing up. Only after will be questioned, possibly forming their own opinions. And having their own opinions fosters self-esteem.

Doubt and be confident – these States are the opposite, but equally important for man, one complements the other and helps in this difficult life.

Kurshakov Alexander
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