In recent years very fashionable to be aware. However, when I read what you write about mindfulness on the Internet, I want to make a gesture *hand-face*... So I decided to just write as it is.
Generally, the concept of mindfulness is one of the key in Gestalt therapy (where it's the word awareness is translated into Russian as "awareness") is just the ability to OBSERVE all of their senses to understand WHAT is happening to you at one time or another, on the basis of awareness to be responsible - from the same English "responsibility", which translated means "physical ability to Express the environment of an adequate response to the situation". And learn about what is happening, of course - from awareness, no consciousness - there is no adequate response, that is, appropriate action directed to the outside world.

so again.
Awareness is:
1. the ability to track and observe all the emotions, feelings, sensations and thoughts. For many people this ability is poorly developed due to the fact that we tend to displace emotions and feelings that we don't like, as a result, we live in illusions about yourself and the world, and our actions in our our own reality as adequate to reality.

2. The ability to UNDERSTAND what is the NEED behind each of the emotions, feelings and sensations. After all, if you don't understand what you want, and get what you want you have a chance as the lottery.

3. The ability to UNDERSTAND, track, and analyze the REASONS why there is a need. Also not an easy task, especially when you want something "weird".

4. The ability to MAKE an informed and responsible CHOICE about how to satisfy their need most appropriately.

HotBot at this moment selecting one of awareness is not enough. To make this choice, you will need a set of effective knowledge and belief, because if you for example still had the courage to realize in some form of fear, and even understand where he is, but I don't know what is really worth doing you risk creating even greater problems.

Pathomorphologically protection awareness also exists in our psyche for a reason - matches to children not a toy.

fortunately such knowledge and experience can easily develop in the process of individual therapy in a secure environment and support professional. br>
Be mindful
Elena Nagaeva
Elena Nagaeva