currently the company is in the stage of development when there is a constant change of values, and as a result, there are contradictions related to the rethinking and revision of the valuable characteristics [1].

In modern terms a "crisis of values" and the lack of a universally accepted ideology, ideas about culturally approve of behavior are blurred, and the choice of behaviours is based on a hierarchy of individual values, life orientations of personality. Thus, the study of values and life orientations of the personality allows you to get an idea of the trends in changing social norms, attitudes and strategies. In this regard, special attention attracts young people because it is the most dynamic and responsive to social change. However, in this age is actively developing the system of personal senses and the creation of new meaning structures.

Values are one of the most important problems studied by the Sciences of man: philosophy, psychology, pedagogy, sociology, etc. Despite the fact that most definitions of values in psychology based on philosophical and sociological concepts of values and value orientations, having a long tradition, and psychological understanding of personal values differs significantly from the interpretation of the values in other Sciences.

the Problem of formation and dynamics of values and life orientations of personality is considered in the research in the context of the General laws of mental development, in direct connection with the peculiarities of age development at different stages [2]. The authors present the formation of value orientations of personality as a result of the interaction between developing cognitive structures with gradually widening social experiences (piaget); as a result of internalization, the transition from interpsychic (social) to intrapsychic individual way of human life (L. S. Vygotsky, A. N. Leontiev, B. G. Ananiev, A. G. Asmolov, D. A. Leont'ev) [3].

the Process of meaning includes the meaning of relevant cash situation, the sense of accumulated human experience of life, the projection of the present into the future life, i.e. the "horizontal" line of the meaning of life, as well as "semantic hierarchy" inherent in the position over the life of the individual. This meaning due to the influence of norms of universal morality, religious belief, national, tribal traditions. Thus, we can speak about a kind of "semantic group" of "infrastructure," a unified semantic space of human life. To escape from the meaninglessness of life only if their lives and activities, we realize the unity and mutual influence of the three meanings of human life: present, past and future, which are subject heading "semantic vertical".

"Semantic vertical" must be, above all, human morality, which incorporates the experience of millennia of human civilization, commandments, traditions, experience of successes and failures, achievements and mistakes. However, mankind throughout its history lived mostly by the rules and traditions of the "partial" of morality. Modern difficulties of the crisis state of society largely due to "partial" moral egoism, personal, group, corporate, national, state.

Professional identity characterizes a certain level of self-personality. Personality, self-determined professional, understands your life goals and plans associated with self-realization in the professional sphere, professional intentions, their personal and physical qualities, its possibilities, abilities, talents, and requirements.

the Strategy of life of different people is that one can immediately identify their main life-line, his professional future; the other may initially see multiple perspectives and directions for self-fulfillment and want to try yourself in different spheres, and then choose the main direction. One believes that it is necessary as early as possible to create a family, providing your "rear", the other – on the contrary, preserving personal liberty, first approve itself, to see the world, etc.

in the life plans of adolescents clearly reveals such differences: some see their future in the field of social achievements (rank, position, career), others in a personal way of expression (friendship, interesting communication, family), others in the works (dream of being a writer, artist, composer) [4].

In numerous studies related to values and life-meaningful orientations of modern youth a mixed picture of the impact of social change on the transformation of values that can be attributed primarily to differences in the methodological approaches to the study and theoretical basis from which empirical data are interpreted.

psychological studies of values are considered as life goals, meanings and ideals, which sets the overall direction of activities and personal values as one of the forms of existence values. The majority of authors do not distinguish between personal values and value orientations, often treating them as synonyms. We consider value orientation as a system of individual attitudes, beliefs, preferences, mediated by the personal meanings and is expressed in behavior.

the Value orientations is the reflection in human consciousness of values that recognized them as a strategic life goals and General philosophical orientation. The focus on values is a characteristic of human life, which is one of the personality tumors [5].

the Study of value orientations among members of different generations showed that the hierarchy of terminal values of the people whose identity was formed in the post-perestroika period, dominated by the values of "social recognition", "health" and "active life", and in the hierarchy of values of people whose identity was formed in 2000-ies, dominated by the values of "active life", "social recognition", "interesting work" and "material security". Among the instrumental values of the first group is dominated by the values of "vitality", "honesty" and "education and the respondents of the second group – value "education", "self-control" and "courage in defending his views."

the majority of respondents, presenting the empirical sample, characterized by the presence of clear life goals and intentions. They say that life seems to them quite meaningful and purposeful, and that they found their calling in life and realized much of what they have planned. However, people whose identity was formed in the post-perestroika period, less than the people whose identity was formed in 2000-ies, formed ideas of themselves as strong personalities, and they have less freedom of choice in constructing their lives in accordance with their goals and desires.

the Level of self-actualization of personality in people whose identity was formed in the post-perestroika period, is lower than that of people whose identity was formed in 2000-ies. In particular, it is found in the fact that the younger generation is more oriented to live in the present and to feel the continuity of past, present and future (that is, to see your life holistic), they are able spontaneously and directly Express their feelings, they have a more expressed the desire to acquire knowledge about the world.

Thus, we can conclude that the formation of the system of value orientations is an important basis for the formation of harmonious and happy personality. And our task, as psychologists, when working with clients to pay close attention to their core values.

Ilya Klepikov. Counselor.

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  • Ilya Klepikov