

With this thought I Wake up for a long time. Actually, even this is not a thought that condition. Don't know if you know this feeling when you know it must be so and not otherwise agree. And who would not stand in the way of criticism with denial or with an authoritative "impossible", still sits inside a clear feeling (not understanding!), what exactly so and not otherwise.

to Believe whom, why, when, what and many such questions which can be analyzed and give a rational answer. But faith is not about rationality. Faith is mostly based on and rational perception of the situation, information, person. Well, what? Just something that is very important.

Remember how in the Bible: "according to your faith it shall be given you."? Yeah, that's what I have in life. When I wholeheartedly believe, the means of achieving be a challenge but not an obstacle. And ,you probably have faced such situations when all motivation is broken on someone's "compelling" arguments. But when I live by the faith of the coincidences add up for me.

Why? I suppose that faith comes from the inner willingness to get what you want, Serendipity, self-esteem not from a social point of view, but from the internal understanding of yourself. Adequate to be themselves, without the theatrics, masks, illusions.

But don't confuse faith and self-esteem. Because if a person does not believe, and begins to wind itself, then there is love, and therefore the result is likely to disappoint. The person feels very thin he is worthy of something or not. The rest, as they say from the evil one. If there is no internal state "worthy", then the motion is through fear, and it destroys.

If there is an internal faith, then there can be no other outcome than happiness from the chosen path. I believe in myself, believe in myself. Do always? No 🤷 ♀ app. I am also amenable to suggestions, too, have doubts. They say that smart people never 100% sure, because he has something to perform, (which is often the opposite point of view). And yet the confidence and belief a bit, but different States. What do you think?

Tatiana Osintseva
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