
Today it is very fashionable to create video blogs, and many young people do Express a desire instead of the standard trips to work, to drive your vlog on YouTube, without leaving home. Someone this activity is addictive to such an extent that it develops into a form of dependency: vlogger can throw work, family, and only deal with creating plots for your "YouTube channel"; vlogger constantly compares himself with other vlogery, and if he sees that his video is worse that there is someone more interesting and more popular than himself, if his video has gained enough views and "likes", then this fact can cause depression and loss of sense of life. The battle for "likes" makes the vlogger is constantly in search for creative thinking than you can "hook" your audience.

the Main "feature" of the majority of vlogery comes to shocking behavior - the bolder will behave with you vlogger from the screen monitor or TV, the more his vocabulary is swear words, the higher rating because the singing in the song S. Shnurov: "he Loves our people..." all that "fried". In a sense, for him it is opium, as had previously been religion. Now religion have replaced many vlogs.

Fans vlahov often the same dependent people, as are vlogery - he eagerly followed the release of a new video story and eagerly looking not so much for the purpose of finding answers to their questions, but with the aim to distract from pressing problems. Moreover, many of those who are "stuck" on the vlogs - don't want to solve their problems, but only run them in virtual reality.

it is Necessary, for example, a person overcome depression, but he won't make an any effort to go to a psychologist, to do physical exercises, walk in the woods, to change something in your life, and you lie down with chips on the couch to watch a new video story from your favorite vlogger. As a result, depression and remains with the person, but there is the idea that "if there in his pocket a pack of cigarettes (a vlog), so it's not so bad today".

Though many people used to trust everything you see and hear from their television screens, computers, gadgets, not even thinking, and the kind of life he lives vlogger as he is competent in the topic, which is talking about whether to listen to it (often vlogger promotes one model of behavior, while he lives differently). On the screen vlogger can look like a king, but in real life it may be unremarkable.

If a person is on the other side of the screen, then he shall have bogreat authority, mind, experience, best features, best quality of life. The viewer think that the vlogger is so cool and its a life any more perfect than the life of the audience's daily viewing vlahov reinforces the inferiority complex, dissatisfaction with their lives, your partner, children, friends, work, introducing in his mind other people's attitudes and values (introject).

Own life the viewer often loses its charm and meaning, like a drug addict whose existence is to receive a new dose.

Even in ancient Rome, the people demanded bread and circuses - it is the availability of bread and circuses made people to be loyal to their power, distracting, thus their attention from external constraints (and the spectacle was very different from the theatrical productions, gladiatorial fights and ending with the depraved orgies).

What motives are driven by a man with a passion for vaginga (the creation of vlogging, maintaining your YouTube channel)?

1. Self-promotion (the desire to "spin" your name, your services, your feed);
2. Narcissism. Vloging this is the same phenomenon as the selfie-mania. Remember the picture of Narcissus admiring his reflection in the water? Also the vlogger looking at himself, seeing himself on the screen. In the myth of Narcissus, the young man fell in love with his own reflection that he could not move away from the water and died.
3. The need for power, control, needed. Vlogger may be obsessed with their popularity and power. He may enjoy the consciousness that affects someone's minds and even the fate that he has fans who do not just buy its goods or services and transfer money to him just because he is literally worshiped as a fetish. The narcissistic idea of being a replacement for God moving in this man as shown by the example of Trotsky and Stalin. Also and popular vlogger becomes dependent on his power and popularity.
4. Psychological defense against inner emptiness and avoiding problems. For example, in the life of a vlogger is not as smooth as he wants to show (the experience of loneliness, infidelity husband/wife, failure in personal life, etc.). In this case, vlogging is a great way to shift attention from problems on your hobby and self-development as a way of sublimation (for example, a person difficult to Express aggression in real life, be bold and cheeky with women, so by vloga he is living out his aggression and appears before the audience as an advanced pickup artist or another interesting character).
5. Well thought out in terms of marketing vlogging can be a great way of making money, which is very convenient - the person belongs to himself, realizing its creative potential, but still receives a lot of money without bearing any responsibility.

As you can see, the motives of vloging very selfish. The purpose of this hobby - not helping people and the desire to earn, to glorify his name and, thereby, to satisfy the ambitions. However, the motive of earnings will still be far from being the main, because you can earn money in a different way. The main motive that drives the vlogger is to satisfy their narcissism, and for the sake of just creating one high-quality videos takes a considerable amount of time.

of Course, there is vloging and advantages. On YouTube posted a lot of videos as children with their parents visit different interesting places in your city and in other countries demonstrate their Hobbies, buy toys, clothes, play games, etc. in making this vlog, parents can encourage yourself this way to give children more attention, on the one hand. On the other hand, formed their children in the future, narcissistic complex "become a star" at any cost?

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Elena Burkova
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