
This text is inspired by psychological counselling with mothers of special kids.
I took the term "special"mom because You for me are as such. Special, so valuable and important for me, as a psychologist

What is everyday life "special"mom?
It every day, like Groundhog day. Medical centers, doctors, examination. Searching for new specialists, people who can help. Daily search the Internet, chat on forums and chat rooms.

This is a daily struggle for the right to live and exist comfortably its "special"child. The fight, which not always ends in Your favor, but You are doing everything you can.

This is the search for support from family, friends, but sometimes they get tired of Your conversations and You are left alone with their problems. More precisely leaves You and the baby.

It is the guilt that You can't do for your child even bigger and better. 

This feeling of shame when Your child walks in the Playground and not all children accept it, and some parents say behind Your back: "How sorry for her", "Oh, and namuchalas it with your child", "Why didn't she leave him in the hospital".

This feeling of envy to other kids, children sabatham that make the results and your child is still not ready for it.

This feeling of love to your child. He is Your native and favorite and You love these dimples, its unusual appearance and gait.

This sense of power that You get in normal days, when you struggle for happiness of his child.

That feeling of joy when a child commits the successes you have waited more than a year.

the silence, when you had a child's bed all night, and he could only sleep by 6 am. You sit in silence, watching his face and pray that he peacefully slept for a few hours.

It is the hope that gives you doctor at the next medical examination, that there is some improvement.

It is the quiet whisper of your lips "Let everything be good, Lord help my child"!

Weekdays "special"mom, sometimes it's painful, scary, unclear, but at the same time, it is much more unusual and unique.

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