
I picked up the phone and heard a pleasant voice of a young man who asked:

is it Possible to use only one advice - and if so, what benefits can I get during this time?

since this question potential customers ask me is not so rare, I decided to write this article, which sets out the classical model of the first consultation and the possible benefits.

Consider 5 stages according to V. Yu., Menshikov and L. F. Shekhovtseva:

  1. contact and client orientation at work.
  2. Gathering information about the client and highlighting issues.
  3. Formulation and realization of the desired result.
  4. Elaboration of alternative solutions.
  5. a generalization of the results, the transition to action.

the first step is a meeting. Usually by the time it's about 5 minutes. This step is very important because during it there is an establishment of emotional contact. The customer decides for himself whether he can trust the psychologist enough level of security? At this stage begins to form a special therapeutic climate, which further contributes to a good flow of other segments of the session that the result allows to decide the problem.

the Therapeutic climate largely depends on the therapist:

  • his condition
  • personal qualities
  • mastery of the technique of the location (adjustment, active listening).

to create a good climate in the office of a psychologist is important to respect certain rules:

  • During session all attention of the psychologist must be aimed at the client. Not allowed talk on the phone, it needs to be silent, in the office needs one to enter, it is desirable to hang the warning sign that distract it is impossible, because there is a consultation. It is also important that the therapist wasn't floating or thought about what to cook for dinner.
  • a Psychologist in order to help the client, should be in the resource condition. That is, if a physician of high temperature and intoxication or he is in the acute stage of the experience of loss, to conduct a consultation in such a state, it is better to reschedule for another time or to recommend another good therapist.
  • do Not condemn the client. Everything that is not related to the Criminal Code has the right to be right to understanding on the part of the psychologist. If a psychologist has prejudices about race, nationality, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation and preferences, body mass, age, social origin, political affiliation and religious preferences of the client, it must specify in his application form.

the Next phase diagnostic. Its duration is approximately 20 minutes. During this time the client talks about her problem. Therapist it is important to speak out to the client, to listen carefully, ask clarifying questions, tactfully bring the customer to the understanding of the problem. At this stage, the psychologist begins forming a therapeutic hypothesis, and to consider possible ways of solving client problems.

the Third stage formation customer, about 1-5 minutes.

Request is a request by a client to provide some form of psychological assistance. What kind of help the client wants from the therapist? He will understand that the query solved?

stage 4 is the production solutions of the request. Time is approximately 20-25 minutes. What you need to do to make the client feel better?

the Psychologist with the client (his feedback) generate ideas about the decision of the task, then analyze them and choose the most appropriate for the client way and make up a program of action.

On the 5th stage, the client decides whether he can cope with the task and implement the program or resort to the help of a psychologist. At this stage, the client says goodbye with a psychologist and, if necessary, appoint the next meeting.

example client with psychological exhaustion show as it happens.

the Client is complaining of apathy, "do not want" annoying relatives, became short-tempered and aggressive, especially when its about something I ask, although by nature he's a good man.

At the first stage of counseling, it is important to capture the emotional state of the client and to adapt to it, to join and to be understanding. Do not need to show enthusiasm and joy, saying, fear not – on the right. Rather, it will irritate the client and his mistrust.

In the second phase help the client to disclose the problem, ask leading questions. Here we don't ask about his childhood and parents, and ask questions about the current status.

the third stage is to ask what support the client wants from the therapist? Here we translate the customer's complaint in its goals and objectives.

That will give you the best result of our consultation?

Request to Help in the restoration of a stable emotional state (I want to be normal, calm, kind, steady as before).

Usually psychological exhaustion occurs when the voltage (loss of power) prevails over relaxation and rest (recovery).

Task: find the main causes of stress and weaken or eliminate, and strengthen the sources replenishing.

Objective: to make the client less in life was tense and most of my life was in a relaxed state.

At the first session the client will be given recommendations on how to relax in extreme situations:

  1. Hygiene thoughts. Try not to think about the negative, so as not to worsen the condition, to switch. To exclude possible in the period when the negative news.
  2. relaxation of the body through physical exercise. The most simple is a good potryasenie the whole body, running, jumping in place.
  3. Soft steaming body relaxation through sauna, swimming pool, massage.
  4. EMDR. Processing experiences eye movement.
  5. facial Massage through the tapping points of exit of the facial nerve, rubbing the face with a towel, relaxation of the jaw. The tension of the muscles of the face affects the mood.
  6. increasing the level of serotonin. Nutrition, sufficient light.

these recommendations will not worsen the condition of the client in the future, but it is important to eliminate reason, leading to exhaustion. It may be problems at work, in the family, some psychological trauma.

Thus, in one session with the client he will be explained the reasons that led to psychological exhaustion, the recommendations for relief and proposed in the future search and the work to cause depletion.