Who do You see yourself in 5 years? - least favorite question in the interview.
He just inside understand that goals or not, or they are blurred.
In my experience of thousands of interviews with this question - HR know that You don't like this part of the interview)), but it's important to understand Your plans/ambitions/goals to "shore" to determine whether to go on together.
- And how to answer? the
Right = Sincerely
Sincerely = Understand their capabilities, goals, desires:
My ambition (career, position, scale, etc.)
My commitment to learning/professional development
My goals in the main Living areas
My dreams
My self-discipline
Honest and objective answers will give insight into WHAT we have now, WHERE you want = the compilation of short term/long term plans.
this will define the vector of career planning and formulate a response "So what do You see yourself in 5 years?"
And then this part of the interview will cease straining and annoying, because You are sincere, confident and natural to answer:
*** after 5 years see myself as a specialist in this field with more large-scale projects/ to/with the ability to implement ideas
*** I am interested in the development of managerial/administrative competencies, so consider jobs with opportunity for career and professional growth. And in 5 years see myself as a Head of division/group/division, Department/branch
*** I love my job/profession/field, simply plan to move in this direction and to be an effective professional.
Every position/Company/corporate structure is as individual as You.
do Not look properly verified answers your looking for! the
Knowledge and certainty take away the fear to say the wrong thing and not like it!
There are difficulties with search of answers? - contact me or to any specialist You trust!
And remember that replying to yourself "where I see myself in 5 years?" in the field of career and profession, You give an impetus to the development and personal sphere.
If only we were taught the time to ask and honestly answer "Who are you/see me through 5 years in our relationship?"..
How much time, effort and resources we would not be squandered on those who went "down"..but more on that another time)

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