
In professional activities of psychologist and psychotherapist sometimes it happens that clients leave therapy.

first, in the first years of work, we often think that the problem is in us, something "not done." The experience we have, so and emotional burnout, and impact are the side effects of our professional achievements.

With age and over time changing our approaches and views on this topic.

We very often write about responsibility and choice, the need of human decision making, however, the man himself, especially being in the trauma, barely aware of what was happening to him.

For example, a woman after a divorce or breakup with your beloved is unlikely to be able to build a request to the psychologist, rather it may be "out of status, oppressive, heavy."

At the same time unexamined, and in some cases running injuries of man's soul did not allow him to adequately respond to a particular message of the psychologist.

That is, turning to the psychologist, the man shifts the responsibility on the psychologist. For example , after trauma and disturbed ideas about how to achieve a harmonious relationship, a person can take therapy, so as not to come into contact with the pain.

Many fears point to a different kind of emotional failures, when it suddenly begins to seem "threatening".

Thus, the client believes that despite the warnings of the psychologist on the treatment (correction) as a complex phase, which is accompanied by meeting with the pain, her feeling, he remains within reach this point injuries, in and out of therapy under any convenient pretext.

In some cases, clients come back again in a year or two, but the majority of the rejection therapy is associated with mental breakdown and the resistance of the person.

Seeking to conditional security, the person often believes that the psychologist is not as safe as he thought (thinks).

Return to trimerous condition that causes pain, and thus, "blame" psychologist;

complaints of "heaviness" in semantic key reflect only aggravate the situation (so "hard" to a customer: job, family, life, relationships, and so on. ). The process of therapy is often called "heavy" and therefore "can't heal" that person.

the uncertainty in the success of the therapy and increased anxiety is in the adverse factors that contribute to the preservation of the state and its irrationalization.

Hence the rejection therapy. That is, the fear is back, the motivation to action, to choice to "go."

I Agree and will support colleagues and the customers who attention to the understanding and harmony between them.

Much less frequently, the client asks his therapist about his anxiety or insecurity.

Discomfort in many situations is a manifestation of the disturbing reactions. Being emotionally depleted by the process, anxiety causes a person to disappear, including from the psychologist.

So, there are cases of refusal of a person to perform a particular exercise, an analysis assignment and etc, because of the fear of pain. In turn, this state, equal care from therapy, speaks about the deficiency of awareness and understanding of the therapeutic process.

the Fading jet component alarm occurs when the interpretation of a certain futility and inadequacy of their own response on the particular question of the psychologist or his job.