
"I hate you!"

have you Heard something like that from someone?Ever?

In his address? Someone themselves in a fit of anger spoke /shouted /hissed/thought?

Key words here – "out of anger"

That only can be heard when quarrels, scandals! Such a set of mutual "courtesies" that involuntarily thought: "how did they even meet? That they can unite? Hatred, which is passed from love notorious step?"

Emotion is everything. This is an adaptive evolutionary mechanism. A child is born – he first manifested the underlying emotions inherent nature, not yet "converted" the educational process by parents, and manifested in the form of fear, anger or joy.

Anger as an emotion can manifest as irritation, resentment, annoyance, anger or rage, of hatred, leading to "rage," and so on, each individual has his own set of manifestations, its responsiveness.

In any case, the emotion of anger is given to man to change the existing situation, or change yourself, or change conditions that have become unbearable and close to the body.

Every emotion is energy. Social standards of "bad" emotions should not occur. This is wrong – any emotion appears in the body of a person against his will and desire and is given as a signal for understanding yourself, your feelings and state. When the ban on energy output appear feelings, resentment and fault occur uncontrolled outbreak of autoaggression, there is the unbearable level of anxiety, which can lead to depression and other diseases.

the Anger like any other emotion, do not simply appear. For this there are different conditions:

Hunger, and common physiological and psycho-emotional. The lack of love, understanding, "emotional strokes" to cause anger and lead a person to looking to fill this shortage, warmth and care.

Fear – like response to the threat to life safety. This fear activates the organism to mobilize the resource state.

Sometimes anger disguises fear to take responsibility for themselves, to respond to their actions, trying to pretend a small child.

Pain both physical and mental. When the source of pain I want to destroy, "eat", to consume, to make sure no trace remained.
the Invasion of your boundaries. In this case, anger is a regulator of your own psychological boundaries.

Anger is useful, necessary source of energy.

In any change in any transformation there is energy of anger.

learn to recognize, to Express anger – is a science.

usually, a child simply forbid it, and not teach the correct manifestation of your own feelings, those are real, not srezhissirovannyj, imagined by our parents.

Before you tell someone "I hate you!", better to take the time out to reflect on what was the real reason causing your anger.

it is Important to understand that the question isn't how to stop being angry or to suppress my anger (read – energy). And how to learn to show anger and when this manifestation to be yourself, in touch with self and your needs.

bondarovich Love