
This question interests me for a long time — about four years. For the first time thoroughly thinking about it, I immediately tried to find the right specialist for me.

But in the end did not go. Why not go when there is no doubt in such need? First, it is difficult to find a questionnaire, trustworthy. Even more difficult — people with similar values. Second, there are concerns about privacy — if they are friends? Thirdly, does not understand the performance of the meeting. Some doubt arose in the quality of the process.

I was left alone with its internal contradictions, trying to find relief from troubling feelings in alternative ways. What was I doing? Read popular scientific articles on websites and in magazines, looking for facts or similar with my cases, consulted with friends, collecting other people's solutions to its own contradictions, trying to find harmony in the walk, work and other people. But meeting me for answers I never found that taking a gap year between studies, which was spent on the realization of life values and the search for further ways. Only after moving to another city I first went to a psychologist. Then she enrolled in the psychology Department.

the first psychologist I was not able to conclusively solve all the questions, and I became instantly happier, but could "come up", take a look at ourselves and chart the way I want to follow.

Why would I talk about it? To show — and the psychologists sometimes we need specialized support, and they also attend specialists, although many will be surprised such fact. Also reading this people will be able to see third-party experience and to compare it with his, to understand that they are not alone.

All experience in your life with contradictions and difficulties. And, of course, everyone tries to resolve them in a variety of ways: to run, to hide or to realize, to transform, to identify a specific request and satisfy it. What to do with your issues, everyone chooses their own. Psychologist, accompanying him on this journey may help to recognize it and get out of a difficult situation, the most appropriate in the moment method. I believe everyone has the right of choice, what offer to make on their consultations.

Proskuryakova Elizabeth